Shit what about Tino?...

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Val looked over and saw the media demons hat on the table, I doubt he would notice but people would ask about it.. but if I sent one of my assistants to get it to them, they wouldn't get very far cause they wouldn't let kitty into the meeting. Looks like I get to do it myself~ I'm going to enjoy this~ I grabbed his cute little hat off the bedside table and wrapped my wings around myself as they turned into my coat. Leaving my penthouse Voxxie's hat in my coat so no one could see it. If I asked for Vox out of his meeting no one in there is going to bother getting mad cause well. Me and Voxxie are overlords, no one would dare try and piss us off. As I made my way down the hall towards Vox's meeting room, I saw people staring at me.

I glared at them or ignored them as I continued, one of the body guard stopped me from entering "Sorry Valentino Vox is in a meeting." I snickered. "I don't care~ think you can grab him for me hun? tell him I will only be a minute~" The security hellhound nodded opening the door and sticking his head through talking in a hush tone. shortly after my media overlord walked out. "What Val? I'm busy-" Before he could continue I pulled out his cute lil hat and placed it on his head making sure his sensitive antennae were okay. He blushed.. "Thanks Val.. but I better get back to my meeting." He replied I nodded giving him a gentle kiss on his screen where his cheek would be He flushed an even brighter blue. "Okay okay.. I love you to now you have work to do to so shoo!" Vox mumbled I chuckled "Cya later Voxxie!~" as I left he returned to his meeting quickly calming down.

I made it to the studio beginning my next few film shoots. Vox should be stuck in that meeting for an hour or two.. so I had time to kill.


I was bored.. didn't take me long to start zoning out and not paying attention, quietly shaking my leg under the table.. man this was annoying. "Uhm sir are you okay?" a nervous voice asked, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts "Yes I am fine. please proceed." I spoke regaining my composure for now. They continued before I started getting overwhelmed, this was so stupid! I have these meeting almost everyday and have never gotten overwhelmed before! this sucks! but I can't think of an excuse to leave.. fuck fuck FUCK! shit.. I continued paying attention my leg shaking a bit more violently under the table.. I hate getting overwhelmed.. it wasn't even that loud.. I think it was just the thought of how long it was gonna be.

I started to shift every so often, starting to get restless and unable to sit still. That's when the anger and annoyance started, I was getting annoyed that I couldn't stay still, that I couldn't pay attention.. before long I heard someone pipe up "Meetings over." I quickly stood up and left heading to my penthouse, locking the door behind me as I slumped down onto the floor trying to calm down. fuck this was annoying.. the silence was nice. Until I heard a voice it was my assistant.. "Uhm Sir.. you have a broadcast in 20 minutes." FUCK! WHY AM I ALWAYS SO FUCKEN BUSY!? "Cancel it." I stated, a snap in my tone.. I needed a break, as hard as it was to admit that I knew deep down I was right.

I sighed teleporting through the camera's watching over Val before heading out to a club, having a few drinks.. I left before I got drunk. I was walking down the street when I completely forgot about the time.. with a chime of a demonic bell I saw the exterminators start flying around killing sinners. I ran trying to get back to the V tower but getting cut off by one of the winged murderers. I could feel all my pent up anger rising, The electricity crackling... I shot a bolt of electricity killing the angel.. quickly running once more before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.. I looked down to see a spear right through it.. Shit.

I hobbled down a nearby alleyway, hiding as I pulled the spear out, I hissed in pain as cyan tears fell from my screen.. what about Tino? what about Vel? this can't be it! no! I continued to cry, my shaking hands reached for my phone. I clicked the Groupchat with Vel and Tino. Vox: I am so sorry you guys.. I love you.. I sent the text before everything went black...

{Will he die? I have no idea! find out next chapter! Sorry I love cliffhangers mainly when I know that the book will be updated, so enjoy! Also the art at the start is mine! I drew it etc etc, thats y this chapter took longer.. anyway.. VoxTek Trust Us.. with your entertainment...}

Words: 852

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