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We had formed a routine here. Typically I'd be the first one up, so I'd make breakfast for all. One by one they'd come down to eat and we'd help Charlie with the reopening plans, like today we figured out catering plans (I'll be doing the majority.) Of course with the exception of Angel, his boss and all, he can't focus as much on plans. I have yet to learn much about Valentino. I just know he's a slimy piece of shit.

Aside from that, once we knock one of the big plans for the morning, everyone does their own thing. Vaggie has been taking care of lunch. For dinner the couple likes to help me cook and set the table. By then Angel comes home, over dinner we fill him in for the grand reopening plans, and then mingle for awhile. Until we start to tire and then we finally head to bed.

But today was Saturday and most of the loose ends with our grand reopening were figured out. I sat in the kitchen making pancakes from scratch. I looked at the clock, it reads 5AM. There's still time.

I flipped the pancake I was currently working on as something disrupted the air around me, causing me to flinch.

"Aah, you good?" Lucifer yawned as his portal closed. He stood on the other side of the room, making coffee.

I forgot to mention, Lucifer is here often. I think it's cause he's lonely... and god he looks so cute. His hair is messy and his voice deeper than usual, he wears a black robe and black pajama pants with ducks on them. I don't think he had a shirt on under his robe. Christ, fuck me.

Not like that though. Well...

"Yes! Yes I am! Uh, I was just making some pancakes um... you're up early?" I responded, keeping my eyes on the pan in front of me. He glanced over my shoulder curiously.

"I'm always up this early, most the time I'm able to sneak past ya but I didn't feel like walking this morning," Lucifer muttered, sitting at the kitchen island and holding his head in his hand.

"Rough night?" I glanced up at him concerningly.

He let out a deep sigh, "just nervous for Charlie. The meeting with Sera is today."

"Do you think they'll be mad? About Adam?" I put the pancake on a separate plate, pouring more batter on the pan.

"It's hard to tell, for the first time in awhile, I'm not quite sure what they'd want," Lucifer looked up at me and what I was doing.

I hummed whilst frowning, "well if I'm honest, I have a good feeling about this meeting. The energy... it feels familiar."

I thought of Sir Pentious' portrait.

Lucifer jolted excitedly, "what do you predict?"

This action was unusual to me, no one usually cared about my predictions. At the same time, I guess with these peeps I never really spoke aloud my predictions.

"Well, I don't want to give your hopes up. I don't think they're too mad about Adam, honestly I think that's just Lute. Aside from that... I still feel something of Sir Pentious, but it's different. Good different. Regardless, they shouldn't be too mad, from what I heard from Charlie about Adam in the temple, errr— court, he was just a nuisance," I shrugged and turned my focus back to the pancakes.

Lucifer raised his brows and crossed his legs, "did you not see him in court yourself? Are you saying you feel Sir Pentious is in Heaven?"

I laughed awkwardly, "no. I'm not sure why but I've always been restricted from stuff like that. I guess it's because the extermination talk and whatever. I'm not quite sure how the heavenly court thing goes. It's like the human ones, I imagine. But yes, that is what I'm saying... but don't tell Charlie. In case it isn't true, I don't want her hopes to deflate."

This time he frowned but nodded and changed the subject, "what're you talking about? Did you not have a trial before you fell?"

"No? Was I supposed to? I just snuck out and never returned. Charlie said she'd talk to someone about it, but everything's been hectic. Or was. Off topic, but you raised Charlie good. Like really good. She's inspiring and loving and just- so refreshing to hear of... sorry I'm rambling," I got another plate for more pancakes from the pantry.

Looking up, Lucifer stared at me with a sparkle in his eye.

I smiled gently, "would you like some pancakes while they're still warm? Well they have a charm over them— they'll stay warm, but do you wa— yes! Uhm, yes! Please!" Lucifer interrupted, shaking his head to get his thoughts back in place.

I got ready to make his plate but he stood up and took the plate from my hands.

"Is there a limit on how much I'm allowed to take?" He asked for permission. Both my brows raised.


"I-uh nothing! Just do three at a time, I have two Morningstar's to feed!"

Charlie and Lucifer eat. A LOT.

He opened his mouth and turned to me to retort when we felt another energy coming down the stairs.

"Charlie's gonna want some too, I'll make her plate," I muttered from next to him.

"Just make sure to use chocolate syrup, Charlie hates the other stuff!" Lucifer rushed after me as I grabbed another plate.

I nodded and stacked three pancakes on the plate, conjuring chocolate syrup, whipped cream and fruits.

He stood next to me, putting fruits on and around her plate, I noticed he accidentally put two blueberries across each other and got an idea.

"What if I put a smiley face on it?" I smirked up at him.

"Ooh good idea! Charlie will love that!" Lucifer agreed grabbing the whipped cream.

"And I'm gonna make it have hair!" He announced smugly. I laughed at his expression.

"What if we make it look like Charlie!" I gasped at him excitedly.

"Yes! I love that idea!" He covered the base of the pancakes with whipped cream. I switched the blueberry eyes to strawberries because Charlie's eyes were red.

On the whip cream hair I put two stripes of chocolate syrup that represented her hair ties.

"Wait I'm gonna put a mustache on it!" Lucifer muttered to me. We laughed as I but a blot of syrup as her nose and below it was whipped cream.

"Oh my golly she's gonna love this!"

"Oh I wish I could take a picture, it's so silly!" We laughed like children as we continued to decorate and get carried away.

Finally the two of us declared the pancake done and turned around, both of us holding the plate, only to make direct eye contact with Charlie who watched with a bright smile on her face.

"Woah-oh shit!" Lucifer flinched and almost lost balance, only to get caught by my gold dust.

"Careful, Luci. We can't drop Charlie's pancakes!" I playfully scolded him and looked up to Charlie who still stood at the entrance.

"Hey sleepyhead, go on and sit we made pancakes!" She sat down at the island and I set the plate down infront of her, booping her nose.


"Well this was fun, but I have to shower before I start on more pancakes for the others!" I smiled giddily at the two, practically bouncing with every step I walked out of the room.

Charlie stared at her dad with an eyebrow raised.

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