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The next day or so, Vaggie and Charlie were going to spend a day in heaven for a court hearing of sorts. I almost wish I could go, to see Emily again. She was almost like my daughter. Well, Sera and I's.

Today I wore a jean mini skirt, a black crop top and thigh high socks. My shoes were black, reaching below the knee, platformed and fluffy. Day by day and Angel's fashion continues to rub off on me.

A girl, one of Angel's friends exploded her way into the hotel.

She was very beautiful.

For the most part, my brain remained foggy. As if I was trapped in a daze. Even as Charlie and Vaggie left. I only have them both hugs and awkward smiles.

Charlie has been looking at me odd lately and I don't blame her. I just can't stop thinking.

Cherri bomb led us to a club called consent, but I didn't go inside. Husk stayed with me for a moment.

"What's been going on with you?" He asked, sitting next to me on the curb.

"I'm not quite sure... it's just, I realize I'm not at all the person I was when I first came here. I... killed sinners the other day, all because I was angry. It was such a quick decision too, I just-I'm not like that," I rested my head on my knees.

"Oh. Uhm, well, maybe that's a good thing," Husk responded while frowning at me.

"How?" I looked up at him.

"Well, in hell you need tougher skin. It's probably a good thing you're not so pure anymore. We've all noticed you change by the months," Husk revealed and gave me a small smile.

"How did I change so much? I feel like it just happened," I frowned at him.

"Well you stopped being so quiet and you started defending yourself more, taking in your power. It's... admirable."

I smiled at him, "I never thought of it that way, thank you... um, you can go inside with the others. I just need a silent crying time. Honestly I may go to the hotel."

"Well, if that's what you want to do, I won't stop you," Husk stood up and smiled at me.

My eyes widened.

"Thank you, Husk. Truly. You're too good than people take you for," I hugged him around the waist. He awkwardly put his arms around me too.

"Sorry for the random hug, I should've asked... anyways, I'll be at the hotel." I smiled at him as I turned and walked back the direction we came.

Tears streamed down my face, though I didn't exactly understand why. I love the people here so much. One day, I will get the chains off of Husk and Angel. One day. No matter what.


The hotel was deadly quiet, no one was there. Except for me, and possibly Alastor but he's always elsewhere. I wasn't quite interested in talking to him anyways.

Regardless, he showed up anyways.

"Juniper! Quite the pleasure! What are you doing here?" Alastors sing-song voice cut through the air.

"Contemplating my world. My life." I groaned and fell onto one of the couches in the lobby.

"How amusing," he muttered. His face going dark and an x over his head. What a male.

"You got shot in the head, did you not?"

That cut him out of it. Does he seriously think I'm stupid?

"I believe that's a theory, on the contrary, I didn't take you to be one for dramatics," Alastor inquired.

"You're never here, and when you are, you just reside in the shadows. Lurking for some odd reason. I guess you must just be an observer, like me in a sense. Despite you observing, I feel as if you don't know me at all, as I quite like a good dramatic," I shrugged as ignored his presence.

His brows raised as he laughed, "oh please! It's too funny watching our only two souls fail! Charlie is such an entertaining creature."

I scoffed, "I know you only like her for entertainment or power purposes. You aren't discreet about that. You're little tiff with Lucifer spoke volumes too."

Alastors eye twitched, "well yes! Everything speaks volumes! And entertainment... well, is everything some would say."

"You only say that because you were a radio star in the nineteen thirties—twenties, whatever. Entertainment didn't exist back then with all the poverty and racial tension. Regardless, you'll find sooner than later that you aren't as invincible as you thought. The day will come that you choose between pride and entertainment. As in Charlie. The group. You being you, will try and find a loophole where it turns in your favor. Until that day, I hope you can make the right decision, in actually believing Charlie and her cause with this hotel because it's serious. If people can fall, they can rise once more. When you realize that, maybe then you'll actually mature and stop playing with your food. However, my hope runs thin with you, Alastor. Goodnight." I pat his chest and walked away, going up the stairs.

He glitched from behind me, however I blocked out his waves so they left me unaffected. All I had to do was snap and the TV would be fixed once more.

Jeez, what a drama queen.

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