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Chasing that feeling by TxT

       Taehyung rushed into the company premises, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings frantically as he dialed the same number repeatedly, his heart pounding with worry. The urgency in his movements was palpable as he headed towards the elevator, only to groan in frustration upon seeing it occupied. Without wasting a second, he opted for the stairs, taking them two at a time as he ascended to the 8th floor, where he hoped to find the person he was searching for.

As he reached the 8th floor, Taehyung's eyes darted around, seeking out a particular boy. His mind was filled with thoughts of Beomgyu, imagining him in his office engrossed in work, either poring over files with a pen in hand or typing away on his laptop, lost in the melody of his favorite songs playing through his headphones.

Finally reaching Beomgyu's office, Taehyung's breath caught in his throat. The room felt eerily silent, devoid of Beomgyu's usual lively presence. The vibrant posters and personal touches that adorned Beomgyu's desk seemed to mock Taehyung with their emptiness. The normally bustling office now felt like a hollow shell, amplifying Taehyung's sense of loss and confusion.

Just as Taehyung slide against Beomgyu's desk in agony, his phone rang insistently. With a sigh, he answered, only to be greeted by Daho's accusatory voice on the other end. The accusation of sacking Beomgyu without notice hit Taehyung like a punch to the gut, the weight of the situation crashing down on him once again.

"FUCKK!" Taehyung's cry of frustration echoed in the empty office, tears welling up in his eyes as he struggled to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions raging inside him. The reality of Beomgyu's absence settled heavily on his shoulders, leaving him feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and regret.


Meanwhile, Yeonjun woke up groggily, his head pounding with a fever-induced haze. He squinted at the dimly lit room, with a groan, he reached for his phone, only to remember that Taehyung had took it.

"Ugh, great. Just what I needed," Yeonjun muttered to himself, rubbing his temples as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. The room felt unusually cold, and he shivered as he stood up, his body protesting against the sudden movement.

Yeonjun glanced at the window and was surprised to see darkness outside. "Nighttime already?" he mumbled, his sense of time completely thrown off by his extended sleep. He stumbled towards the closet, grabbing a coat and wrapping it around himself for warmth.

As he made his way downstairs, the chill in the air made him sneeze loudly. "Damn cold," Yeonjun grumbled, stuffing his hands into the coat pockets as he stepped outside. The night air nipped at his skin, causing him to shiver again as he walked towards the nearest pharmacy.

Passersby glanced at him curiously, some recognizing him and whispering among themselves. Yeonjun couldn't help but feel self-conscious under their scrutiny, his discomfort growing with each step.

Arriving at the pharmacy, Yeonjun explained his symptoms to the nurse, who quickly assessed his condition and prescribed medication. He paid for the medicine and thanked the nurse with a forced smile, eager to leave the prying eyes behind.

""Eat and take the meds. Don't read those hate comments, okay? Just focus on your love for each other and ignore what the world thinks. Love is a beautiful thing; don't let others' opinions ruin it." the nurse advised, her words ringing in Yeonjun's ears as he exited the pharmacy. Her mention of love and ignoring hate comments lingered in his mind, though he brushed it off as generic advice.

Walking back home, Yeonjun couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The stares and whispers seemed more pronounced now, and he quickened his pace, wanting to retreat to the safety of his home.

"What's with everyone today?" Yeonjun muttered to himself, his footsteps echoing in the quiet street. He felt a sense of dread creeping up his spine, an inexplicable fear settling in the pit of his stomach.

As he turned a corner, Yeonjun's heart skipped a beat when he saw a group of girls approaching. At first, he thought they were fans wanting an autograph, but their expressions were twisted with anger, and they were heading straight towards him.

Panic surged through Yeonjun as he realized he was being chased, the girls shouting accusations and threats. Without a second thought, he sprinted in the opposite direction, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to outrun them.

Jungkook, who happened to be driving nearby, caught sight of Yeonjun's desperate run. His instincts kicked in, and he pulled over, his eyes widening in alarm at the sight of the girls chasing Yeonjun.

"Yeonjun!" Jungkook called out, urgency lacing his voice as he jumped out of the car and gave chase. He took a detour, hoping to intercept Yeonjun and lead him to safety away from the frenzied fans.

Yeonjun's legs ached, his lungs burning with exertion as he raced through the unfamiliar streets. Fear fueled his movements, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he dodged obstacles in his path.

"I need to find a place to hide," Yeonjun thought frantically, his mind racing with escape routes. The distant glow of police lights caught his eye, and he made a split-second decision to head towards the police station.

"Please please please!!!" he breathed out loud and increased his pace with the last string of strength in him. His target now was to get into that police station and, if possible, have all of those crazy girls locked up for working him out of his wits.

But suddenly, his breath hitched at the back of his throat when he heard a familiar voice calling out his name. "Yeonjun no!"

The boy froze on his track and slowly tilted his head to the light that shines towards him and suddenly, he felt someone's hands wrapped protectively around him. However, before they could reach safety, a loud screech pierced the night air, followed by the horrifying sound of metal meeting flesh.

The impact was sudden and brutal. The force of the collision sent Yeonjun and Jungkook sprawling, their bodies tossed like rag dolls. Pain erupted through both of them as they hit the pavement, their senses overwhelmed by the chaos unfolding around them.

They lay side by side on the cold asphalt, staring at each other with wide eyes filled with shock and disbelief. The sounds of sirens grew louder in the distance, but everything seemed distant and surreal as darkness slowly enveloped them.

Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper as he reached out towards Yeonjun, their hands almost touching. "Yeonjun..."

But before he could say another word, darkness consumed them both, leaving only the echo of sirens and the stillness of the night.

Did you expect this? I guess not so don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on the book so far thanku.

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