Ch 11-20

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Chapter 10 I bought a breakfast shop just to drink a bowl of soy milk!
On the first floor, Uncle Bai, who had just spoken to Wu Tong on the phone, pushed open the door of the martial arts gym, covered in dust.

Behind him, there was a thin middle-aged man wearing a black Tang suit.

The man has a hooked nose, a gentle smile in his eyes, and a sense of femininity in his whole person.

Wu Tong stepped forward to greet him and said with a respectful expression:

"Supervisor, Uncle Bai."

After saying that, he turned his attention to Jiang Lan and introduced: "This is the supervisor of Jiangnan Extreme General Management, and the other one is Uncle Bai. "

Jiang Lan nodded.

The extreme club they are in now is just the general hall in Yangzhou City. The Jiangnan extreme club is a step above.

And he also knew the name of this manager, Zhuge Tao, an old angel investor.

"Supervisor, Uncle Bai."

"Let's stop chatting and go upstairs for a test first."

Compared to Wu Tong and Uncle Bai, Zhuge Tao was much calmer.

Wu Tong agreed and respectfully led Zhuge Tao and Uncle Bai to the sixth floor, while Jiang Lan walked at the end.

Arriving in front of the warrior-level boxing test machine, Zhuge Tao said with a smile on his face:

"Don't be nervous, calm down, just use your full strength."


Jiang Lan immediately punched out his clenched fist. , an afterimage streaked through the air, hitting the boxing target like a cannonball.



Seeing this number, Zhuge Tao, who had always been calm, shrank his pupils slightly.

But soon, he continued as if nothing happened:

"The next item is the speed test."

Jiang Lan came and ran forward. After Wu Tong pressed the button, his body shot out like a rocket.

The eyes of Uncle Bai and the other three fell on Jiang Lan, staring at him.

The test results emerge from the light curtain.

[98.3 meters/second]

Zhuge Tao's breathing was a little heavy.

"The next item is the nerve response speed test."

When Jiang Lan stood in the nerve response test room, Wu Tong asked tentatively:

"Supervisor, what level is the test?"

Zhuge Tao glanced at Wu Tong, "Test the senior warriors first. , and then take the junior general level test if you pass."

Jiang Lan heard the conversation between the two in the room, glanced sideways at Wu Tong outside the door, and made an OK gesture.

As Wu Tong pressed the red button, dozens of guns in front of Jiang Lan were pointed at him, and the red light covered them in a circle.

The first time was the advanced warrior test. For Jiang Lan, it was not difficult at all and he easily dodged all attacks.

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