We reached the Protogen store where I got my clothes from. As we stepped inside Y/N walked up to the counter asking "Hi again... would you happen to fit us both for a suit and a dress?" the Tenet Joked with him remarking "Oh? Let me guess she needs a suit and you a dress?" Y/N chuckled and remarked "No No... were getting ready for a business party and need something nice..." she proclaimed "Oh, no problem! My sister Sable will take care of you then! Just head onto the back and let her know what you would like!" I followed behind Y/N while we made our way to the back.


The back had a row of three mirrors pointing from front, left, and right so you could see nearly every part of yourself a long White couch facing the mirrors, with multiple fitting rooms, a staff only room, and a storage room. Soon later a tall brown haired girl wearing a fashionable white coat and the blue logo of the store with a measuring tape aross her neck while multiple pens nearling spilling out her coat pocket walked out of the staff only room she remarked "sorry for the wait was just finishing some things up! I'm Sable! Nice to meet you Y/N and Eva was it? What can I do you for?" I repeated "well me and my protogen here needs some nice formal wear for a party that my boss is hosting and I was wondering if you can get us set up?" she placed a finger on her chin remarking "I dont know~ I am busy~ Oh im just joking! We haven't had a custom order yet so youll be our first ones!" I nudged Eva forwards proclaiming "Eva you can go first im pretty sure they specilize in measuring protogens after all..." Eva gave me a nervous Nod as she walked forward towards Sable, Sable knelt down remarking "small one you are~ dont worry Ill be gental~ right this way~" as Sable led Eva into the back I took a seat on the couch and pulled out my phone playing clash of clans.
-1 hour later-
Noticing my phone is on 40% I turned off my phone and waited tapping my foot on the ground until the staff room door opened and I heard Eva ask "what do you think?" Looking up I saw...

	-1 hour later-	Noticing my phone is on 40% I turned off my phone and waited tapping my foot on the ground until the staff room door opened and I heard Eva ask "what do you think?" Looking up I saw

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I stood up Proclaiming "Hot! I Mean! Nice you look Nice..." Eva blushed and stand in front of the mirrors inspecting herself as Sable wiped her brow remarking "Ya know... your Girlfriend is one picky planner..." both me and Eva seized up for a moment before I explained "n-no me and Eva aren't dating were just friends!" Sable apologized enthusiastically "Oh! Sorry, it's just that ever since protogens were released into the public everyone seemingly got one just to cure their loneliness and some are falling in love and even married them, I didn't judge so I thought you two were the same..." I eplained "it's fine... are you ready to make my suit?" Sable nodded and called me forward directing me to the back.

While I followed Sable to the back I couldnt seem to pull my gaze away from Eva, Once I entered the back it looked like a fashion studio office with two nice recliners and one long desk with various materials strone about, with a small fitting room to the side, and I  could see the spare materials from Evas out fit scatted about, I shook my head to refocus as Sable put a dark blue color against my chest asking "So what you looking for? Im thinking to match the cutie out there~" I blush remarking "s-sure..." Sable set down the cloth and grabbed a tape measure telling me "stay still so I can get your measurements..." while Sable measured me she asked "so... do you like your protogen?" "Oh, uhh yeah shes nice and trys not to inconvenience but shes been fun" "fun? So you have been? Ya know~ she is cute~" I blushed and stammbed out a rebuttal "w-w-What! N-no! We havent!" Sable cut me off giggling as she remarked "Oh~ its fine Ive heard lots of storys of humans and protogens getting it on, and I heard its one wild ride~ they do their best to pleasure us and it sounds amazing~" I blush and scratch the back of my neck as Sable finished measuring my legs standing up, she patted my shoulder calming me down "hey... hey... calm down niño im just teasing, no need to make excuses..."

I gulp nervously trying center myself telling her "we really haven't had... we didnt do anything..." she walked over to her desk and began to sew together my suit remarking "You dont have to answer if you uncomfortable, but at the very least you atleast thought about it? I mean Oh please~" I took a seat asking "you sound like you want to?" she giggled and remarked "well I see you havnt tought your little protogen that many manners and when I asked for her to strip so she could try on my marvolus creation... she stripped infront of me. And the only thought I had was that you were one lucky guy~ but then again who am I to judge what you do with your protogen at home~" I covered my face in embarrassment and tapped my foot trying to think of what to say until I ask "so what? Shes cute whats so bad about thinking of a cute girl? I mean yeah she makes cute nosies when I pet her and-" Sable smirked remarking "Oh~? So you two do get touchy feely~"  I cover my face in embarrassment while sable chuckled and finished my suit she told me "can you do me one favor Y/N?" I look up asking "what?" she held up my dark blue suit proclaiming "take care of that girl out there... I think shell appreciate it~" I nodded an took the suit into my hands inspecting the gold details that resembled constellations, I asked "wait why did you-" Sable cut me off informing me "well a special someone made a quick suggestion and I hope you like and appreciate it~" I walked into the changing booth and slowly changed into my suit taking care not to wrinkle it.

Stepping out Sable whistles remarking "oh yeah~ i'm amazing~ go take a good look at yourself handsome~" I walked out the back seeing Eva sit on the couch her hands on her lap as she looked up to me, her visor depicted space and stars while she seemingly began to space out as I brushed my suit dramatically and asked "what do you think?" she nodded proclaiming "Very pretty! I mean Hot! No, I mean handsome!" I chuckled and looked in the mirror... seeing myself wear a navy blue suit not far off of what Eva's wearing as a yellow constellations pattern all throughout my suit.

Inspecting myself I adjusted the cuff of my jacket as Eva stood beside me, I saw Sable in the mirror taking pictures of us, and noticed Evas hand edging towards mine I reached down towards hers, but my phone buzzed causing me to divert my hand to my pocket to check, My boss texted me the address that looked like it was in the middle of the woods. I shrugged it off and asked "so sable how much?" looking over to her she tapped her chin proclaiming "hmm... about 100 for Eva's dress and about 80 for your suit i'll give ya a little discount~" I nodded and replied "thank you... that's really cool of you..." Sabled smiled and remarked "No prob!" she handed us the clothes we came in with proclaiming "I suggest to put these back on however, dont wanna ruin your new fancy stuff now do we?" I grabbed my stuff and headed into the changing room once I changed Eva went next, we collected our things and paid up front.

I handed them my credit card as Eva stood close beside me, Sabled walked up front next to the tenet up front remarking "Hey sis! Use my discount on his suit please~" she rolled her eyes and chuckled replying "Alright... has my sister. Sable upset either of you today?" I waved my hand proclaiming "No... No... she's been fine... oh yeah can I get your name too? I don't think I ever got it..." as she rang me up she replied "you can call me Kat..." she handed me back my card, and while we walked out the two waved us goodbye as we did the same walking down the street. I looked over to Eva who practically skipped down the road, I asked "you see excited?" " she nodded and confessed "most definitely! I've never been to a party before especially not a fancy one!" I sighed and smiled as we walked down the sidewalk with a pep in our step as we returned home.

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