Chapter 1: The Abandoned Child

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Kang Yn sat alone on the swing, her small frame swaying gently back and forth as she watched other children play in the park. She was only six years old, her dark eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and sadness that belied her tender age. The warm rays of the sun cast a golden hue over her hair, a stark contrast to the emptiness in her heart.

It had been two months since her parents had disappeared without a trace, leaving  Yn in the care of her elderly neighbor, Mrs. Park. The days stretched endlessly before her, each one a reminder of the gaping void her parents' absence had left behind. She missed their laughter, their hugs, and the sense of security they had provided.

As she sat on the swing, Yn's mind wandered back to the day it all changed. She remembered the knock on the door late at night, the hushed voices, and the hurried packing that followed. Her parents had whispered words of reassurance, telling her they would be back soon. But soon never came, and Yn was left alone in a world that suddenly seemed so big and frightening.

Mrs. Park had been kind to her, offering comfort and a semblance of stability in the midst of chaos. But Yn couldn't help but feel like an outsider, like a puzzle piece misplaced in a picture-perfect world. The children playing nearby laughed and shouted, their carefree joy a stark contrast to her own sense of loss.

" Yn, are you okay?" a voice called out, interrupting her thoughts. She looked up to see Jin, her neighbor's grandson, approaching her with a concerned expression.

"I'm fine, Jin," Yn replied softly, forcing a smile to hide the turmoil inside.

"You don't look fine. You've been sitting here by yourself for hours," Jin observed, sitting down on the swing next to her.

Yn shrugged, not wanting to burden him with her troubles. Jin was a few years older than her, with a friendly demeanor that often put her at ease.

"Sometimes it's nice to be alone," Yn offered, trying to sound convincing.

Jin nodded understandingly but didn't push further. Instead, he started pushing the swing gently, causing Yn to sway back and forth.

"You know, my brothers and I are going to play soccer later. Do you want to join us?" Jin asked, trying to include her.

Yn hesitated, feeling a flicker of hope at the invitation. She had always been a shy child, wary of making new friends after her recent experiences. But Jin's kindness was hard to resist.

"Okay, I'll come watch," Yn agreed, a small smile tugging at her lips.

As they walked towards the soccer field, Yn couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, she could find a sense of belonging among these new acquaintances.

Little did she know, this encounter would be the first step in a journey of healing , friendship, and unexpected connections that would shape her life in ways she never imagined.

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