On the road..

Taehyung head is moving left and right, back and forth because his eyes are getting heavy

They have come far without taking break in the middle and taehyung eyes are getting close.

Jungkook said him to put his head on his shoulder but yeah you can guess what taehyung reply was.

And when taehyung didn't complied what jungkook said it made him to bump on the window.

"Aish" Taehyung rub his head.

Jungkook extend his hand and put in the back of taehyung and pull him towards himself.

"What's your problem"

"Just stay quite" Jungkook says and put taehyung head on his chest and drap his coat over taehyung body.

Eunwoo looks at them through the mirror and a smile form on his lips as it's not usual to see caring side of jungkook.

And taehyung instantly fell asleep on jungkook arm while listening to his soothing heart beat.

Jungkook with his both hands hug taehyung body from side to keep the body warm and put his cheek on taehyung head.

This sight was so cute that eunwoo couldn't help himself and he blurt out.


"What" Jungkook says.


And after three more hours they finally reach the destination, taehyung is still sleeping on jungkook arm without care in the world.

The gate of palace open automatically and line by line five cars enter inside the  fence.

Every guards step down and at last jungkook with taehyung on his arm step down too..

He takes a minute to admire his mansion which he barely come to visit. This palace is spread as far as you can see.

His possession, his pride,his ego, his first love his golden palace for which every mafia community is ready to declare a war for this palace.

"Baby" Jungkook whisper softly..

Jungkook who's mouth only knows how to throw venom knows how to talk sweetly too.

Taehyung squirm in the hold and when he open his eyes the first image his eyes caught was jungkook.

"What the- why I'm flying in the air" Taehyung ask.

Jungkook point his gaze towards the mansion and taehyung followed the gaze of jungkook.

And it hit taehyung that they finally reach after four hours of drive, he immediately get down from the hold and his eyes shined like a diamond when he saw the golden palace of jungkook with his own naked eyes.

Taehyung has never saw this palace in tv also because this palace is hidden from the world and it's situated from out of the town.

There are lots of stories behind this place, this palace was built in 1704 by jungkook ancestors.

"Wow" Taehyung whisper.

"Do you like it"

Taehyung with his mouth agape looks at each corner of the front part, what's treasure is inside that this place is sealed with so much protection?

Jungkook chuckle to witness a amazed kid and intertwined his hands with taehyung, taehyung eyes divert from palace to their intertwined hands.

"Let's go inside" Jungkook says and started to drag the poor little creature.

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