Chapter 14- More Secrets

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13 Minutes later...

Ava, Alex and Sapphre found themselves in a dark, hollow cave with bulbs across the ceiling. The path was a bit wet, and smelt of the sewers, even though there were no signs of full water flow. It looks like the cave is dry.

Ava led the group, following the muddy footprints on the floor, with the other two following her. Alex, however, was trying her best not to smell the bad stench.

"Ewww!" Alex said in disgust. "Why would she take us here? This smells disgusting!"

"Then block your nose with your fingers," Sapphire advised. "Then you won't be able to smell the bad smell till you die."

"Ugh, why did I call you at my house..." Alex groaned.

"Oh, well then, tell me, what would you do with an unconscious Ava at your house, you chatterbox? 'Every second without anyone to talk about feels like a nightmare', you said!"




Just then, Ava stopped, resulting in Alex almost crashing into her.

"OW! Why did you stop?" Alex groaned.

"At least have a sense of direction, baka." Sapphire stopped next to Ava. "What's the matter? Why did we stop?" She turned to Ava.

"Who are they?"

Two small, dark figures were approaching them. As they drew closer, They started to look more detailed. Two women were coming towards them.

One had medium purple hair and a purple eye. The right eye wasn't visible due to her hair covering it. She was tanned, with an oval-ish face, and medium-sized breasts. She wore a sleeveless top with a crisscross design, shorts, and thigh-high boots or stockings, all matching her vivid hair colour. An asymmetrical cape or skirt added a dramatic flair. she also wore dual-tone heels (both purple and black).

The other had short, braided, black hair with grey eyes. She was pale-skinned, with the same physical features as the tanned girl. She wore a sleek, black bodysuit with striking orange accents, gloves, and knee-high boots with orange trim. The design included symmetrical orange patterns on the waist and chest and armour-like elements on the waist and thighs.

But suddenly, they also stopped.

"Oi! Are you going to stay here like crops? We haven't got much time!" The tanned girl ordered angrily.

"Oh. I thought..."

The trio had to run to them.

"Good. At least you have the strength to run longer." The tanned lady said in sarcasm.

"Seesh, girl, leave them alone. They have a lot to learn..." The pale girl said.

"Shut. Just Shut up. Your idea doesn't look that great. What exactly MADE you feel bad about these weird-ass twins? I mean, the mermaid seems well-prepared and may help the other two, but WHAT DID YOU FEEL ABOUT THE TWINS THAT MADE YOU-"

"Please, ignore her. She's always like this. She is always finding excuses to rule over me. It's now pointless to declare independence over her harsh words." The pale lady said to the trio sorrowfully while the tanned lady raised her eyebrows in astonishment.


Do they talk like this every day?

"Apologies. Oh, We forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Nova Nakamura, and she is Violet Tamura. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Correction: Violet. Quantum Amender. Call me Vi, in short."

The trio also introduced themselves before suddenly being silent.

"Question," Sapphire said after a prolonged silence. "Why did you bring us here?"

"Told you, they'll hate this decision of yours..." Violet whispered angrily.

"Has there been one day when you at least listen and agree to my decisions and plans? I'm free now! They even said I'm old enough to choose without anyone's help, but you-"Nova whispered back.

"-Another question," Ava added. "Who's "They"?"

"We'll talk about it at the right time. For now, follow me." Nova said, before turning back and walking to the darkness in front of her. The others chose to follow her.

The group walked for a few minutes before stopping. Nova then signalled to Vi, who raised her hand slightly. A medium-sized, transparent, violet-coloured screen appeared in front of her. Vi tapped on different parts of the screen before lowering her hand to make it disappear. As a result, the previously dark area was now illuminated by ceiling lights, revealing the objects that were placed there.

There was a red sofa with a table on the left side of the area. On the right side, there was a glass barrier, that room was probably for training purposes. Beyond the sofa were a few boxes, and the kitchen came after that. Neither the room didn't smell of sewer, nor the water fell from the ceiling, basically seepage. It felt like an ideal bunker for nuclear attacks. Or possibly, a cosy home.

"Here we are." Nova sighed, with hands on her hips. "Welcome, to my home."

"Huh. Looks weird enough." Sapphire mocked. "When exactly did you start hiding here, for the nuclear attacks? Because I don't think there is any of the radiation-"

"Hush. Vi is about to say something," Alex said.

Vi sat on the sofa beside Nova and took a deep breath.

"Now that we've done some introductions and done a bit of fun, let's come to the reason why we brought you three here. It's essential and may help you in your future battles."

"Future battles?" Ava questioned. "But we're not here to-"

"Ava, listen. You're the only one who can save this world. You shall fulfil the prophecy. Or better, prove the prophecy wrong."


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