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Two girls were sitting in a room. One of them was lying on her deathbed, the other was sitting next to her. The first girl had a black 'bobcut' hairstyle, with her favourite white hairband on it. She looked beautiful, as her friends would say. Judging by her looks, she looked young. Like 13 years old.

"Master, please don't leave me..."

The other girl, however, looked 1 year older than her. She had long, light-blue hair, tied in a one-sided ponytail style. She wore a black crop top, followed by her light blue short jacket, and black shorts, with a little toolbox strapped to the end of her one leg. She would have called her 'sis' or 'sister', but she didn't. That was because she was an AI, created by her "Master" with only her imagination. You won't be able to tell whether she is a robot or not, because she looks as realistic as a human being, with human-like feelings. Today, she was very depressed.

"I'm sorry I had you leave all of you like this. This illness seems unavoidable." said her master.

the AI's "Master" was diagnosed with an inescapable illness that she realized about very late. Every day she would feel like vomiting, stomach aches, and viral fever that would not even end after a week. The doctor said that she had a few days to live. Today was the last day.

"But, Master, I can't live without you! You're the only one who likes me!" the AI girl said.

"But I said it cannot be dealt with..." her master said, coughing.

"Why are you saying this?? Is there no cure for this disease??"



The master laughed.

"You're cute like every day, my girl. But alas, all human beings have to die someday. And it looks like today is my day." she said, taking a hairpin out of her pocket.

"What's that?"

"It may seem like a regular hairpin, but it is exceptional. I don't even know what it does, but you will unlock its special powers for me. Take it." the master handed the AI girl a pure jade, crystal flower hairpin.

"Are you serious? It's yours! Keep it! I'll make sure you'll be cured-"

"Please, leave my illness alone. I have always wanted to commit suicide, ever since my parents threw me out of my house and called me a 'good-for-nothing' idiot. I was mentally weak, crying all the time, and unable to ignore the bullying done by juniors, seniors and even parents. I always thought to myself, "Either they should die, or me." You know which path God made me walk. Your elder sis must have told you that all 4 of you are going separate paths in pairs, right?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"I believe that you and your twin sister are going to be famous in the distant future." her master coughed again. But this time, she coughed up blood. she glanced at her watch. 11:59 am. It's almost time.

"The time...has almost come. It's time for me to leave...This cruel world."

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry...Goodbye." Those were the last words of her master before closing her eyes and breathing her last.

"Wake up! you can't give up on your life yet!" The AI girl said, shaking her. But it was of no use. She won't wake up. When the girl checked on her heartbeat, there was no sound.

The girl wanted not to cry. But as tears were falling from her eyes, and her throat lump was being too tight to bear, she had to shout.


The AI's Master was officially dead.


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