Chapter 44

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Ramses made his way through the corridors, his long strides eating up the distance between the queen's and princess' chambers. His heart was beating in tandem with his erratic gait in anticipation.

Malawashina had asked for his presence, and the elation he felt overshadowed every worrying thought he carried for the last several weeks. His beloved Lotus was recovering. She had requested his company instead of the other wives she cherished.

He remembered the last time he spoke to the Princess; flashes of her grief-stricken face plaguing his thoughts in the wee hours of the day. Her miscarriage hit her deeply in her already strained state of mind, which he had caused, for he was stubborn and petty. Even though the healers assured and reassured him many times that spontaneous miscarriages happened often, he could not help but feel responsible for what had happened. He had judged his beloved princess too cruelly, and he had not listened to her pleas to allow her explain. He had shut her out, which did nothing but elevate her guilt. If there was anyone to blame for their misfortune, then it should have been him and not the sweet Malawashina, whose eyes were full of twinkling stars and her skin a natural scent so akin to the flower he nicknamed her after.

Malawashina was blameless, but he sensed her lingering self-criticism. His worries then returned in full force, tearing the veil of contentment he felt after her summons. His heart clenched almost painfully as he remembered how Malawashina had not only blamed herself for their misfortune, but had also called herself a failure.

His gait slowed, and he stopped in his tracks, just as he was about to pass the corner that would turn to lead him to her door.

Perhaps her summons was not a positive one after all. Alas, there could be additional heartbreak and isolation, and the gap between them may grow wider still.

The racing thoughts that had been overwhelming his mind just moments ago subsided, replaced by a newfound clarity. With each exhale, he released the weight of his worries, allowing himself to fully embrace the present moment.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ramses straightened his posture, feeling a surge of determination course through his veins. His shoulders, once burdened with the weight of uncertainty, now stood tall and resolute. He knew that patience was key, and he was willing to wait for his dear lotus flower, regardless of how long it took.

The guards near Malawashina's door bowed to him reverently as they opened it for him to enter, his own bodyguards joining them to stay in the vicinity.

Just as he entered the room, his gaze was drawn to the princess standing by her balcony door. The gentle, golden morning light flooded the room, enveloping her silhouette in a comforting glow. The soft linen dress she wore clung to her body, accentuating the sharpness of her bones. She had lost so much weight battling her darkness. In the gentle breeze, strands escaping her loose bun danced around her face, framing her now frail features.

He felt such a deep sadness for her plight whilst he watched her. As he moved closer, her gaze shifted from the distant world to him.

As their eyes locked, a magnetic pull between them intensified, drawing them imperceptibly closer. The air between them hung heavy with prospect. Then, her lips curved into a tender smile and time stood still. The world around them faded into insignificance.

The flutter in Ramses' chest returned as he observed her in silence. Her breath caught in her throat, causing a slight tremor to run through her body. A rosy blush spread across her pallid cheeks. It was a blush that spoke volumes, revealing the vulnerability and hope that lay hidden beneath her tired face. The princess' fingers twitched slightly, a subconscious urge to reach out and touch him; a reflection of the longing mirrored in his own gaze.

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