Chapter 24

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It took the better part of two hours to shave, dress and ready the Princess completely.

Nefertari had returned shortly after the servant girls had finished shaving their liege, and as the Princess was fitted into her dress and finery, the Queen once more went over the day's proceedings with her.

"Again, you do not need to worry about anything. Seshen will be with you to guide you through finer details, as well as answer any questions you may have. I will see you throughout the day, but I may not be able to share words with you until the banquet this evening as I must lead the procession of royal wives."

"That seems like it will be an arduous task within itself."

Nefertari laughed heartily at this and grinned. "They all know I am not one to be reckoned with," she winked.

Malawashina chuckled nervously. "I shall hold you to your word."

"Fear not, my dearest. You are very much on my good side."

With those words shared, they both began to laugh, and the lightened mood uplifted the Princess' spirits immensely.

With fine reed brushes, Seshen applied a powder of Malachite green upon Malawashina's eyelids, accentuating them with gold creme and the traditional ebony kohl eyeliner.

"Your skin is so youthful and supple. There is hardly a blemish to be seen." Nefertari commented as she admired Seshen's handiwork with the makeup.

"Until my menses graces me, then my skin appears like a war field," Malawashina answered. All within the room chuckled in agreement.

"Or until you are with child, where it can go either way! I am lucky this time, so I assume I shall have another son. My skin has always been radiant when pregnant with a boy. My daughters, though..." Nefertari sighed with a feigned lament.

"My skin was a battlefield, and I was on the losing side."

"I wonder why that is..." Malawashina thought aloud.

"The physicians told me that it was the difference in vigors that each gender passes on to the mother. It could be true..." Nefertari shrugged as she stepped back once more to take on a better view of the Princess.

"And now you appear before me as the image of Hathor upon the Earth."

Malawashina flushed and fluttered her thick lashes. "You honour me, my Queen."

"It is warranted," Nefertari replied with a heartfelt smile upon her rouged lips.

"And now you are ready to be presented before the gods."

The hour was still young, and the Mandjet, the great barge of the sun god, Ra, had only just begun its ascent through the skies to bathe the world with light. Despite the infancy of the morning, the populace of Pi-Ramses had already begun to pour into the streets. The paved roadways that the processions would pass through were lined with fresh Palm fronds, Cornflowers, Daisies, Jasmine and a myriad of colourful Water Lilies.

As she was taken to the awaiting litter of cedar hammered with gold, she caught a glimpse of the Pharaoh and the Queen ahead of her. Nefertari was already seated upon a glimmering throne that several priests would carry. The Pharaoh, however, was to lead the procession alongside a pure white Apis bull. The bull, as tame as a housecat, was adorned with flowers and a large solar disk between its gold-painted horns.

Alas, Malawashina could not yet share even a glance with her future consort, for the priests of the temple of Amun-Ra-Horakhty-Atum were ushering everyone into position to start the parade on schedule. Glancing around, she did not see the Prince present either.

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