𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 1

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I am rich. 

My parents died five years ago, leaving me all their hard-earned wealth in this world. My name is Y/N, and I am 20 years old, studying at Seoul National University. After my parents died, one day their company manager came to my house and told me that all the company's wealth was under my name according to their will, which was unsurprising.

My parents held me dear; I know that, at least. They used to make me take all the classes I liked. As a result, I have grown into a woman with many skills. Such as performing art, shooting, self-defense techniques, swimming, and many more. I had acquired the ability to adapt quickly leading me towards my present. But still, I have some weaknesses. 

Despite that, I have a goal, and that is to never lose my freedom to anyone. But who knew that a group of people or a gang would become obsessed with me and my antics. Definitely not me.

I was heading towards my college right now on my NINJA ZX 10RR. I had personally sent the request to customize it black with red highlights under the curves, making them pleasing to anyone's eyes. My Ninja was beautiful.

I was riding, what people say, carelessly. But nah, I wasn't actually. I had my helmet on and all the gears that were required. It's just... I drive fast. Not my fault, clearly... maybe just a little... but when you do some things every day, it automatically becomes a habit. And this was mine.

Seoul National University, one of the best universities in Seoul, South Korea. I came here to study management courses in business. My parents had many shops and companies under their name, and it was required for me to opt for something that would help me in the future.

If managing my parents' business was my goal, then making sure that everything was in my control would be my passion.

I entered my college just 10 minutes before classes started, waved at people whom I knew, and sat down, leaving the three first rows in the center. It provided good lighting and was the best spot to know who was going to come to deliver the lecture. Also, the whiteboard from here wasn't either too big or too small. Just perfect. Soon, Mr. Kim Joon Lee entered the classroom as the lecturer of Management class.

This man right here was one of the best teachers in the whole of South Korea, and it was truly my pleasure to get education from a person like him. I attended his lectures a few times before admission here to get a gist of what kind of place this university was. And he was one of the reasons why I entered, along with the campus and one more faculty member.

And soon the lecture began. Mr. Kim was teaching Human Resource Management, and I, being a diligent student, had reviewed the study material before coming to class and was taking down notes. Soon the class ended, but as I had some doubts, I went to Mr. Kim to get them solved.

"Sir, I had some doubts regarding the performance appraisal and compensation topic. Are there any new approaches or innovations in the field of performance management and compensation?"

"It's quite simple, see, when you relate it to the modern lifestyle, in the dynamic landscape of performance management and compensation, several noteworthy trends are shaping the way organizations approach these crucial aspects of human resource management. One prominent shift is the move towards..." and he continued on to solve all my doubts. I thanked him with a smile and an audible response, and I went on with my day.

After my day ended in college, I went to the dance studio, which was owned by my father, Jung Sukmin but is now under my name. He built a multispecialist company, covering all different types of companies and occupations. Truly like a grand umbrella. And this dance studio was just one of them.

I used to go here almost every day before my university started, but it had gradually been reduced to mere visits to plan the next event. I miss the staff and my crew.

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