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As I make my way towards my office, I can't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place

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As I make my way towards my office, I can't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. The long hallways are lined with several attorney's offices on either side, each with their own team of paralegals and legal assistants. I introduce myself to most of the people I come across, curious to know which hallway and team I'll be assigned to. Finally, we reach the last hallway, and I see that it's the one where Ian's and Axel's offices are located. As I take a closer look, I realize that my office is also located on this hallway, towards the end. I try my best to conceal my surprise as I didn't expect to be placed in a hallway with these two highly reputed individuals. I can't help but feel a little intimidated, as I don't believe that I'm anywhere near their level of expertise.

He notices my expression, "You didn't think that we would offer someone of your caliber to work here and not put them on our team, did you?" he smirks down at me. 


"We have this ongoing competition between all of our teams of attorneys, hence why we all have our own hallways-" he continues as we walk toward my office. "Each team has 2-3 attorneys or associates on that team and whoever wins the most cases wins the trip at the end of the year." 

"Interesting, but if I'm honest, I don't see how it is fair, I'm sure you and Ian never lose. How does that give anyone else a chance to win?" 

"Quite the contrary, Catalina." Just the way he says my name sends butterflies straight to my stomach and immediately I think of Bryan and I feel guilty for feeling such a thing. "We have some of the best of the best working here, as you know." He continues, "We lost last year's prize of a pretty hefty bonus. Our team worked tirelessly and was extremely disappointed. We were shorthanded and they won with 2 attorneys, 2 associates, and a bunch of the paralegals." He paused as I realized that we had gotten to my office, he gestures for me to walk in and the view immediately takes my breath away. The space was simple yet, elegant and I couldn't help the small gasp that escaped my lips as I took it all in. 


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