Chapter 30

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Donghyun was about to kiss jungkook  but stopped by the sudden noice

“h-hubby-” jungkook tried to speak but he put his hand on jungkook's mouth and dragged him away from the door

Taehyung was crying non stop and was trying to break the door “OPEN THE DOOR BASTARD OR I'LL KILL YOU!!”

“what's going on here” the principal said coming there followed by other teachers and students

looking at him taehyung became angry and held his collar “if something will happen with my wife or baby then i'll burn the whole place” he said and pushed the principal aside

“tae” yoongi came there while running after listening about jungkook

Taehyung quickly hugged him “h-hyung kookie”

“nothing will happen with kookie”

Taehyung nodded his head and they start breaking the door together and others were standing there like some show was going on

Donghyun opened jungkook's shirt buttons and about to remove it but before that taehyung came there and punched on his face, jungkook was about to fell on the ground but taehyung quickly held him in his arms and buttoned his shirt

Jungkook hugged him and start crying more loudly

“i'ts ok doll don't cry now hubby is here”

Yoongi and mingyu start beating donghyun while jimin called the police

“koo baby my love stop crying” taehyung said hugging jungkook near his chest

“h-hubby-” before jungkook could complete his sentence he became unconscious

“bun wake up” taehyung said tapping his cheeks but he wasn't even moving

“hyung take him to hospital” jimin said and taehyung nodded his head

He took jungkook in his arms and quickly run from there

Now jungkook was in emergency room and others were waiting outside, taehyung was standing outside the room while the tears were continuesly rolling down from his eyes

“hyung kookie will be fine” jimin said and hugged taehyung

“jimin-ah it's all my fault, i failed to protect my wife”

Yoongi also hugged him and wiped his tears “no tae don't say like this”

“mr kim doctor is calling you in her cabin” the nurse said and taehyung looked at her

He wiped his tears and nodded, he then came to doctor's cabin and sat in front of her

“mr kim today you almost lost your baby” she said and put her hand on taehyung's hands which were trembling because of crying “from now on be careful about your wife and take good care of him otherwise next time we won't be able to help you”

“i won't let anything happen with him again”

“ok now you can go to your wife”

He quickly left from there and went to jungkook's room, he sat beside jungkook and kissed his forehead and then kissed his tummy

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up “hubby”

Taehyung helped him to sit straight “yes doll”

“our baby”

Taehyung kissed his forehead “baby is fine”

Jungkook hugged him and start crying

“shh don't cry love”

“sorry hubby i didn't tell you about yesterday”

“it's ok baby hubby is not angry”

Jungkook looked at taehyung with teary eyes “hubby he kissed me here” he said pointing at his own neck

Taehyung gave kisses on his neck and then pecked his lips “is it ok now”

Jungkook cutely nodded his head and taehyung chuckled at his bunny

Taehyung came back home with jungkook in his arms as he already fell asleep in the car

“tae what happened with kookie” jin asked

“i'll tell you” taehyung said and kissed jungkook's forehead

He came to their room and laid jungkook on the bed and again went downstairs and told jin about the whole incident

“i want to kill that son of a bitch” jin said being angry as hell “by the way how's kookie now”

“he's fine mom but please behaved with him like you don't know anything and also don't tell his parents about it”


“he asked me not to tell you or his parents about it as he doesn't wanna make you guys worried”

“don't worry son i won't tell anyone”

“mom can you please make something for kookie”

Jin nodded and taehyung went to their room, he laid beside jungkook and pulled him on his chest and kissed his forehead “hubby loves you so much princess”

Jungkook woke up and saw taehyung also sleeping beside him, he smiled and kissed taehyung's cheeks “my hubby looks cute while sleeping” he giggled and again kissed taehyung's nose but flinched when taehyung pulled him closer by his waist

“but i think i look hot”

Jungkook lightly hit his chest “you scared me” he said and hugged taehyung tightly

Taehyung chuckled and kissed his head “sorry doll”

“hubby i'm feeling hungry” he said with a pout and taehyung kissed his pout

“dinner is ready bun go and freshen up”

Jungkook sat up and made grabby hands toward him “help me”

Taehyung smiled and carried his little bunny in his arms

“i love you hubby” jungkook said while giving kisses on taehyung's chest

“i love you more doll”

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