Just as Theo had finished recounting his summer activities of relaxing on a beach with Spanish Muggles fawning over him, she brought her attention over to Blaise and Delphina. She knew that their families often summered together in the Bermuda's. Ophelia wasn't as well off as her friends, which she was fine with, she had enough to get by and feel comfortable, but it was nice to live vicariously through their stories about their holidays and trips with their families.

"We were in the Bermuda's, as usual, it was good minus all of the parental drama that went on," Delphina spoke for the two of them as Blaise nodded, letting out a dry laugh at her statement. Everyone knew that Delphina's parents secretly hated each other, they just stayed together due to the social suicide it would be to divorce.

"So what, did you two get busy again this year?" Theo teased as his wiggled his eyebrows in their direction. "I remember when we came along last year, all I could hear from the room next to me was 'Oh, Blaise! More, please! I love your massive chocolate cock!'"

The group couldn't help but laugh at Theo's crude antics, it's just who he was. He even managed to get a stifled chuckle out of Draco, before Delphina reached over and beat him over the head with her Wizards Weekly magazine, which was filled with all of the latest fashion, of course. 

"You are a wretched little boy, you know that, Nott!" She huffed as she sat back down in her seat, flicking the pages back to her previous place and trying to hide the amused grin threatening to spill out.

"You love it, Delphi, don't lie. You know you'd have a piece of me if you could," he smirked, now earning a whack from Blaise. "Why is everyone hitting me!?"

The train ride was almost over and the group had all changed into their uniforms. The boys leaving the carriage when the girls changed, vice versa. Although, Ophelia practically had to shove Theo out of the room when it came to their turn. Her fitted white shirt remained untucked as it sat on top of her short green plaid skirt, that reached just over the end of her arse and showing off a fair bit of her thigh, where her black knee-socks ended. Her tie was short and slightly unruly and her top two buttons remained undone, providing a small peak of her milky white chest. She never put much thought into how she wore her uniform, but somehow it always managed to look flattering on her. She left her robe folded on top of the table, deciding that she couldn't be bothered to put it on yet.

The group sat together in a comfortable silence as they all prepared themselves to exit the train, gathering their things and doing mental checklists, ensuring nothing was forgotten.

"Did you not bring Pheonix this year, O?" Asked Blaise as he pocketed his wand and a small leather notebook into his robe.

"I didn't bring her on the train, I stayed at the Weasleys for like half the summer so Dad's going to send her over for tomorrow," she stated, placidly, smiling at him as she started to make her way back out of the carriage to get her overhead luggage.

"Of course you would spend the summer with those bloody traitors," Draco scoffed as he followed out after her, pulling down both his and her luggage before she could get the chance. She would've thanked him if not for the gross comment.

"Get over yourself, Draco. The Weasleys are good people and I'd rather spend time there than at home, no matter how crowded it may be," an exasperated sigh left her lips as they waited for the doors to open and for people to start flooding out before starting to move.

"It's crowded because they're poor," he said pointedly, looking down at the top of her head as she looked onwards. The girl was only five-two, meaning he was a whole foot taller than her. "Besides, you could've stayed at mine over the summer but you didn't bother to ask."

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