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Part two to "wife".

The white haired girl stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a long, silky geeen dress, her hair half up half down, falling loosely on her shoulders.

Harumi was waiting for Lloyd to pick her up, before going to the dinner the ninja were organising this evening.

He had some stuff to deal with in the city. She didn't question it. It's been a few days since their marriage and most of the time they just weren't talking to each other at all.

They could sense some sort of understandment between them. They didn't have to fake anything. They just respected each other and let the other live their life like they did before.

After a while they even stopped sleeping in the same bed as Harumi was usually working late, contacting with commissioner or some other officials that she was helping. Nobody knew about that of course. People probably wouldn't approve of former villain working with their security services. She often fell asleep on the couch and it bacame a routine for Lloyd to close her laptop and wrap her in the blanket before going to bed himself, not wanting to wake her up when her sleeping schedule was already very poor.

The information about their marriage wasn't made public. Green Ninja's spouse remained a secret.

After the Merge the Monastery slowly became more of a place of team meetings rather then their regular home. They were all adults now and most of the ninja had their own apartaments somewhere in the city so they didn't question Lloyd not being present there all of the time.

Now they knew that he was already married, which shocked them to saythe least. They were annoyed with him not telling them who did he choose, but they were finally about to find out today.


The ninja sat on their seats around the long wooden table. The sound of conversations reaching the other room, where Lloyd and Harumi stayed after ariving to the Monastery. Lloyd felt at home. The coziness and familiar voices mixed with smell of traditional dishes making him relaxed. Something you couldn't say about Harumi.

She was ready to turn around and run away from here. They will be furious when they find out. And of course the responsibility will be on her, not the man.

She must've forced him! Threatened him! Brainwashed him!

- This is a bad idea, Lloyd - she stated, playing with her hair, not daring to look at him.

- They were going to find out anyway.

- You could've just told them right away - she said in accusing tone.

Lloyd couldn't deny that, but he was way too scared to do it before. What's done is done. They must've face it right now, because the running away option seemed surreal to him right now.

Although he had to admit that he was at fault for getting her into this situation.

He sighed.

- We know that you're there lovebirds, get out! - Lloyd heard Kai shouting.

There was no way out now.

He offered Harumi his arm, which she took and led her into the dinning room. After they had come in, the guests froze in shock.

The air becoming thick the second they saw her.

- Please, take your seats - said Master Wu, catching an eye contact with his nephew.

- I think we need to talk after the dinner, Lloyd - Nya stated, staring daggers at Harumi that refused to look at her. - I believe you owe us an explanation.

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