Got it?

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The next two weeks passed by slowly, being restricted and unable to be left alone in the kitchen, or anywhere downstairs for that matter, Niko didn't seem to mind, just happy to be around me, I cared, a lot. It felt like I lost all my freedom, Niko saw me as a child he needed to protect from danger, the danger being myself. On the plus side, I'm two weeks clean. Niko occasionally slept in my room depending on how we felt. He always told me he stayed because he wanted to be close to me, but I could tell under every lie he told me, he didn't trust me a single bit, he was scared of what I could do to myself. Behind every look, Niko's eyes glistened with fear and the unknown of what could happen if I wanted to do harm to myself. We both knew I was beyond capable.

Niko walked into my room and sat on my bed, he sighed loudly "what's up?" I asked, leaning back onto my headboard "Kiara is going to come over." he told me, he'd been distant with her since I was discharged from the hospital, but she was there that night, I recalled her voice as I struggled, my body trying to shut off while I tried to wake up, the way that she soothed Niko was sweet until I remembered who the two people were. "Cool." I nodded, looking around awkwardly, confused as to why he was acting like this was life changing "I know that you two don't get along, but I'm not going to leave you alone." Niko told me, I rolled my eyes "I know Niko, the only time I've had to myself this whole two weeks is literally when I'm asleep." I groaned, Niko raised an eyebrow at me and suddenly seemed mad. "I'm doing this because I care." Niko bared his teeth "I don't have to do this; I choose to do this." his teeth grinded against each other. "If it's such a bother, then don't." I snapped back, my voice deepening "for all I care, send me to the mental hospital." I rolled my eyes, kicking my legs off the bed and standing up, picking up my phone in the process. Niko quickly jumped up and followed me downstairs as I dialed someone's number "no- Aje- I didn't mean it-" he stuttered as I lifted the phone to my ear.

"Hey Aj, what's up?" Sebastian spoke calmly "hey, I know this is super last minute, but can I stay over?" I asked, glaring at Niko with a sour expression "yeah, is Niko fine with it?" He asked, "he's not my fucking dad, Sebastian." I snapped "I know, but like, whatever, it's fine, I'll come get you" he sighed "thanks, you're the best!" I smiled; I watched Niko cross his arms angrily, he glared at me, and I smiled. "Aw, sorry, I don't need to hang around, I've got plans." I giggled; he looked as if he could kill me. "Fuck off, you're staying here." he growled "you aren't my dad, you prick!" I scoffed "you love to act like you're so loving and caring but you're suffocating me!" I yelled "I won't die if I'm alone in my room for a few hours!" I yelled; Niko ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath "is it so bad to want you near me?" Niko asked, his voice cracking in a way that he knew would make me feel bad. "No. It's bad when you act like you're my dad, Niko. It's fucking controlling." I told him "I feel like every time I want to do something I have to ask, 'can I go to Seb's house, please daddy, please!'" I complained, rolling my eyes "can you not call me that?" Niko asked "why, did you get turned on?" I giggled, Niko rolled his eyes, shifting uncomfortably on the spot. "Oh fuck, you really did?" I smiled, trying not to laugh "whoops" I smirked, walking upstairs to my room, Niko ran after me "I'll let you go, just don't leave here mad at me!" he begged, we walked into my room, and I threw a few clothes into a bag "I'm really sorry and I'll work on not being so suffocating- are you even listening?!" he asked, and I looked up at him and nodded "okay- I'll be better, you need to communicate to me when I'm doing something you don't like, I don't care if you scream at me." he said seriously, when we suddenly heard a loud beeping outside, which we easily recognise as Seb's car.

I walked out of my room and headed for the stairs "got it?" he asked, following me downstairs "yeah, communication is key and stuff" I rolled my eyes "I've got to go, bye" I scoffed, walking towards him and in a last split-second decision, I placed my lips on his. His stubble was somewhat soft on my fingertips. His fruity and woody smell filled my nose, it was evocative, and heady. His lips were oddly soft, which only drew me in more. Time paused and it felt like our kiss lasted an eternity, having not kissed for almost a month, something about the way he smelt and felt against me was exciting. I could hear alarms going off in my head, telling me I declared I wouldn't do this for as long as possible, but the slight touching and the occasional forehead kisses which had now entirely stopped, drove me insane, the way his hand fit perfectly in mine, and the way his hand would rest on my knee was so natural. His hands gravitated to my waist, finding a comfortable spot in the dip of my waist. The way he reacted to each and everything I said, giving me butterflies unintentionally every time. Time stood still as my mind flooded with the good and bad this could cause, but I blocked it out, i was mentally screaming as our mouths moved against each other's so familiarly. My fingers held his chin softly, slowly pulling us away, his hands disappearing from my waist, but the faintest fragrance made its way onto my shirt, filling my nose with his heavenly smell even when we were apart, "Bye." I waved with a bright red face "bye." Niko giggled, watching me leave the house. I walked out to Seb's car and jumped in. Greeting him with a smile. "Let's go." I said happily. 


guys look at them having one happy moment in like a month 😘


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