I want an answer.

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I slowly got up from my bed, lowkey thinking Niko would be asleep but I knocked on the door and... "Come in" Niko's muffled voice came from in his room, I opened his door to find him with his back turned to me, his hair was wet, he was wearing grey sweatpants, and he was shirtless with his white towel draped around his neck as he looked for a shirt. "Hey." I mumbled as I walked into his room and sat at his desk. "Hey Aj" he nodded as he closed the drawer, giving up on looking for a shirt and dumping his towel on top of his dresser. "What's up?" he asked with his hands in his pockets as he stood in front of me, towering over me. I felt nervous, so, so nervous. I stared at him in awe and with nerves coursing through me. Niko's mouth curled into a smirk as he stared at me struggling for words. "Listen, I don't want to dance around this, or it'll eat me alive, we kissed, made out, whatever. Niko, I didn't do that for a prank or a joke or something messed up. Now you have to tell me if you were joking when you kissed me or not." I said confidently, Niko immediately sat down next to me and sighed loudly. He covered his face like he was annoyed I scoffed, and Niko shook his head. I laughed at him and jumped to get up, Niko tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away from him. "Really funny Nikolas." I laughed, slamming his door. "Aj!" he yelled "Come on, Aj!" he yelled at me as he followed me to my room "shut the fuck up?!" I yelled and slammed my door in his face.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket as Niko begged at my door "Aj?" he yawned again "Fuck, I'm sorry sharks, please come pick me up, I'll sleep on the couch." I begged and heard him getting up from bed "yeah, yeah, I'm on my way." he mumbled and hung up, I grabbed a bag and shoved clothing into it while Niko continued to bang on my door and yell at me. "Aj!" "Aj, please!" he begged over and over. "Listen, let me explain myself dude!" he yelled again as I zipped up my bag and threw it over my back, picking up my airpods, charger and phone. My phone dinged with Sharky's text that said he was here. I opened my door and Niko looked confused "Aj, where are you going?!" he yelled, but in a concerned way, I guess. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I scoffed "You know what? Stop acting like you care!" I yelled at him, my phone dinged with Sharky asking if I was okay, he could hear me yelling. "You find me in a vulnerable state, you lie to my face and then we kissed, and you thought it was fine to just pretend like we had some sort of connection for what reason?! So you could make a video out of it? So you could brag you're different?! It doesn't make any fucking sense Nikolas!" I screamed at him, I quickly turned around and ran out of the house.

I got into Sharky's car and burst into tears. Sharky started driving back to his place "shit Aj. Are you okay?" he asked as he drove. "Nikolas is the biggest prick to ever fucking exist, do you know what this dickhead did?!" I yelled as more tears raced down my face "you're really emotional, I think you should sleep on it and tell me everything in the morning, I want you to be somewhat okay when you tell me everything." He sighed and patted my knee as we pulled into his driveway. "Okay, we're here, I'll get you set up in the extra room." He smiled and got out of the car, I followed after him and we walked inside.

A few minutes passed of me sitting in Sharky's kitchen with water in my hand when he finally came out of the room "okay, I got you some blankets and pillows, wake me up if you need anything" he smiled and patted my shoulder, knowing I don't love hugs. "Thank you, Sharky." I mumbled and finished my water. I slowly turned the lights off and walked into the extra room, it was cozy, and I threw myself into the bed, not bothering to put my phone on charge.

I woke up in the morning to yelling.

"Nikolas can you please calm down!" Sharky yelled and I heard someone groaning "Sharky, you don't understand!" Niko yelled. I turned around and searched for my phone, suddenly unable to find it. I threw the blankets to the floor and all the pillows; I looked under the bed but no phone. I slowly opened my door and saw Niko with his head in his hands as he sat at the breakfast bar, I slowly walked out into the kitchen and Niko looked up at me with eyes that hurt to look into. "Morning." Sharky sighed "Morning." I whispered and continued to stare at Niko. I turned my body to look at Sharky, but my eyes were locked on Niko. "I can't find my phone." I mumbled tiredly as I tore my eyes off Niko to look at Sharky. "I'll look for it" Sharky sighed, walking off into my room. Niko stared at me, and I returned the look. "You didn't even let me talk." Niko huffed, his eyes were red from tears, and I felt bad "I didn't really want to talk to someone who played my feelings." I shrugged, grabbing a water bottle. "Hell, Aj. I didn't mean what I said or didn't say. You should've given me a chance to properly explain what I was thinking." He sighed sadly; a tear dried on his face. I was about to open my mouth again when Sharky walked into the room. He looked between the two of us and passed me my phone. "Niko wants you to come home." Sharky started off by saying, I stared at Niko who only stared back at me with nothing more than hope. "No." I shrugged and turned away, walking back to my room.

I felt terrible, I could hear Niko crying and beating himself up verbally, but in reality, he just wanted to play with my feelings, he admitted it last night. My eyes felt heavy even after I had slept, I felt exhausted, I could feel my consciousness slipping from my body and my eyes finally closed, leaving reality. 


sorry!!!! (I'm not sorry xx)

it will get better its okay 🫶🏼

please tell me if i should add or change something!!

as always, love you and have a good day/night!!

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