Hello, Nikolas speaking

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I struggled to open my eyes, Aj's warmth was so comforting. I managed to slide out of my bed without waking Aj, my phone rang from somewhere on my floor, under all the clothes we discarded without care. I sighed and moved the mess to reveal my ringing phone. I answered the phone and held it to my ear "mhm" I groaned, my voice was low and sonorous, i didn't even bother to check who was calling me, it felt like I was hit by a bus.

"Brother, you good?" Chunkz asked "you sound horrible, don't tell me Aj got you sick" he guessed, I stifled a laugh "no, I just woke up, Aj and I went back to sleep for a bit." I told him, glancing over at Aj who was still asleep. "Oh, okay, makes sense, how's he been?" Chunkz asked "he's doing alright, he's a strong one." I smiled, "well, keep me updated on how he's feeling" Chunkz told me, I agreed and hung up.

And only then, I realised I was still naked.

I groaned and walked over to my closet, throwing a pair of grey sweatpants on, I didn't care to put a shirt on. I left my room, softly closing the door behind me. I walked down the stairs, our house well-lit and the sun that poured in was beautiful. I walked into the kitchen, a beautiful window showing us the backyard, I stretched my arms out and could hear my phone begin to ring in my pocket. I yawned and answered the call.

"Hello, Nikolas speaking." I answered the unknown number as I would any other. "Hello Nicky!" My mums voice rang through my head. She had moved to Amsterdam when I was 23, we barely kept in touch.

"Hey mum." I swallowed, what had happened? Why was she calling? God, I didn't even have her number saved. "I'm just calling to check up on you, how's London?" her overly sweet voice was so unfamiliar to me now "it's good, I bought a house, how's Amsterdam?" I asked, there was a silence for a moment, the sound of her nail file scraping her nails made me pinch the bridge of my nose. "Lovely, your siblings are doing well too." She assured me "are you planning to settle down soon?" she asked, I sighed and stay silent for a second "or have you already found someone?" she asked, her voice raising in pitch, she always wanted me to have children, it was her only wish and the only thing she pressured onto me growing up.

"No mum, I don't think I'll be having children any time soon." I mumbled, I heard her sigh "well, that's fine, have you at least found a woman you like?" God, save me.

"No, mum, no girls." I spoke. I saw Aj at the top of the stairs, beginning to walk down, I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Well, if you're having trouble finding someone, I can always help out! You know I have many connections with many pretty girls in London, Nicky!" she said cheerfully "oh, and Amsterdam if you're looking to be closer to family for the wedding and children of course!" She said as if she had already found someone for me. Aj was now walking towards me, I just sighed, I could never tell her. I wrapped Aj in a hug, my phone still next to my ear.

"Thank you, mum, I'm alright for now" I assured her, though she was persistent. "Well, I'll send through a wonderful girl's number, she would really be an amazing match for you! She lives in London, not too far from you I assume!" She seemed overly excited "I'll tell her I've given you her number, her name is Kiara" She giggled, "well dear, I've got to go now, don't forget to call Kiara, I sent you her number, bye Nikolas!" she said, awaiting my goodbye "bye mum." I sighed, beeping at my ear was soon heard and I lowered my phone onto the table.

"Mm, mum, haven't heard that one in a while" he mumbled into my arm "yeah, I know" I rolled my eyes jokingly.

It was silent for a while, I felt awkward, I wanted to tell Aj everything, but words are so difficult and if I spoke it wouldn't make sense and it would come out wrong.

"Is it-" I paused, Aj looked up at me "hm?" he hummed, I shook my head "like," I stopped to think of what to say, "is it okay to be scared?" I didn't want to look at him "what about?" he asked, he had a voice that was low and unused from his sleep "for people to know, that I'm like, not normal?" I held my eyes closed, I sounded like an idiot "Niko, it's fine to be scared." Aj smiled. God, I felt special to have him.  


short chapter cause im working on the time skip and didn't want them in the same chapter


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