This will never be a good idea.

480 8 17

Aj's pov

I woke up to a soft and steady raising of Niko's chest. I laid there comfortably, his quiet and steady breaths running through my mind, I laid there as I took in everything. His arm wrapped around me, his toned body, his happy trail, his light facial hair I could feel on my forehead when I moved. He continued his steady breaths until he woke up. He groaned as he opened his eyes, he looked down to see me, he sighed and ran his hand through my hair. He would twirl my hair multiple times before letting go of my hair "hey" he mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck "morning" I smiled as I rolled over, off Niko and onto the bed to look at his face. Niko stared at me for a while, but I did the same. "Do you have to film today?" I asked quietly, Niko sighed before propping himself up onto his arm "only a tiny bit, I might be gone for like, an hour and a half?" he estimated as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, letting out a loud yawn. "Hm, alright." I sighed and stood up; my eyes lingered on his shirtless body which never failed to make me speechless. I walked to the door and closed it behind me, leaving to return to my room.

I slid my shirt off after closing the door to my room, I threw it against the door to my bathroom before walking to my bag to put a new shirt on. I slid the shirt over my head and walked into the bathroom, the white light making me look lighter skinned, I ruffled my hair and sighed before deciding what I was wearing was good enough, not that I would be going anywhere anyway. I opened my door and walked into Niko. "Oh sorry, I was about to enter, are you okay?" he asked, cupping my cheek as he asked "yeah I'm fine, it's okay" I smiled, Niko let his hand drop "okay, well I don't have to leave for a while so I was wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast?" he asked, his fingertips dancing around nervously on his leg as he awaited my answer. "Obviously." I chuckled, Niko nodded and smiled "I was hoping that was the answer" he smiled, leaned down and placed a soft kiss to my lips. I smiled into the kiss and hoped we could stay there forever. Niko pulled away from the kiss but kept his eyes closed, still only a centimetre or two away from my lips "but, I have one question." he whispered onto my lips as his eyes opened only slightly "do any of the boys know?" he asked, before looking to the side and finally back at me "minus Sharky." he smiled, his eyes drifting to my lips. "I don't think so..." I answered truthfully "are you afraid?" I asked, my eyes staring harshly into his, he smiled and kissed me. "No." he whispered; I smiled as he kissed me once more. "However, I'm hungry. So I need to stop kissing you or we'll never get out of here" he laughed as he kissed my forehead.

We made our way out of the hotel and walked a few minutes to a beautiful café. We ate and tried a coffee before I decided it was disgusting and Niko drank the rest. "How did you drink that?" I asked as we walked back to the hotel, referring to the coffee "it wasn't even that bad, you're so dramatic!" he laughed as he shoved me slightly. "It was so bad!" I exclaimed, receiving some weird looks by the people around me. Niko laughed and ruffled my hair "oh my god man, stop doing that it makes me look messy!" I groaned as I tried to fix my hair "I think you look good" he shrugged, tilting his head to the side like a puppy, I stopped fixing my hair to look at him and to take in his comment. I stared at him as he shrugged once again, his head turned to look at me as he smiled, he stopped walking and leaned against the building "do you want me to fix it?" he asked with a sweet, subtle smile. I nodded and Niko's hands slowly parted my hair, making the middle part straight again. His eyes scanned the street quickly before planting a kiss on my lips, it was short, the small smile I could feel as we kissed. He smiled as he began walking once again, I followed. "You know what?" I chuckled slightly as we walked, Niko looked at me with raised eyebrows "what?" he hummed, I looked at him with a smile as I held back a laugh "I could taste the coffee when I kissed you" I laughed, Niko smiled "lucky you" he chuckled. We made our way back to the hotel, Niko got ready to go film and I waited patiently, talking to him as he got ready.

I let out a groan as I stretched on Niko's bed as he threw on a black jumper. "So, what made you realise you were gay anyway?" Niko asked as he straightened the jumper onto his tall figure. "Woah man, don't jump to conclusions!" I exclaimed with a laugh; Niko looked at me with a confused look "I was joking, but like, I'm not technically gay. I'm bisexual I guess?" I shrugged cluelessly "I don't know, there's so many labels at this point." I sighed as I looked at Niko "you gay?" I asked curiously, he seemed to take a moment to think. "Yeah. I guess." he mumbled "I don't know. I've never felt a spark when I kissed girls, but I did with you. I mean, I got a hard on from you, I don't think I've ever gotten hard for a girl." He said sceptically "yeah." I sighed "God, I hate labels for your sexuality, they're so stupid" I groaned to Niko "yeah. There's a reason for everything I guess" he mumbled as he pulled me up from his bed and held me in a hug, his forehead rested on my shoulder.

"I feel safe when I'm with you." he sighed "I worry about the future, I worry about people finding out." he mumbled into my shirt "but I feel calm when I'm with you." he spoke in a hushed tone. "I'm here for when you need to talk, I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens. If people find out, I'll still stand by your side." I answered, I could feel every piece of awkward behaviour from him making sense now "but what if I can't promise that." he said in a whisper, I let my arms wrap around Niko and I sighed. "Then I'll have to let you go when the time comes." I whispered; I could feel his hands bunching up my shirt.

"This will never be a good idea."

"I know."

"I want to try this."

"I know."

"Even if it's a bad idea?"

"Even if it's a bad idea."

We held each other for a moment, Niko's hands full of my shirt as he hugged me. When we finally let go, he kissed me. It wasn't a fast, messy kiss, it was slow and neat, his lips and mine barely moving, his hand keeping my face warm. I split away from him and sighed, before reconnecting our lips once more and letting him go. "Your camera man will be waiting" I mumbled as I pursed my lips "yeah, he will be." he sighed as he gazed at me "so." he said, putting a hand forward as he spoke "this means...?" he asked as his hard swirled around, pointing to the both of us. "That we'll give it a try, Nikolas" I chuckled "that we're a 'thing'" I smiled as Niko nodded with a smirk. "Okay, okay." he nodded "okay, I have to go" he nodded as he leaned down and kissed me once again, grabbing his bag and leaving.  


sorry about the lack of uploads, this chapter is a few hundred longer than usual, ill try to get back into updating regularly. anyway, heres the chapter that i just finished and i'm not too sure if i like it too much, at least we're getting somewhere! (i still have huge plans for the story and somehow need to start them.)

also might make an instagram for my wattpad account, idk, tell me what you think. (if you see this that is xx)

please tell me if i should add or change something!!

as always, love you and have a good day/night!!

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