Muichiro x reader

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Btw intro is a bit long, you can skip it if you want to.

"What's going on?" Kamado Tanjirou stopped in his tracks, open-mouthed.

His house was eerily quiet. Tanjirou crouched over Nezuko and Rokuta, who lay outside the cottage, the white snow stained by their crimson blood.

The strong stench of fresh blood hit him. Tanjirou peered cautiously into the house, dread creeping over him. Blood was splattered across the shoji and the wooden cabinets. His family's corpses were strewn messily across the tatami mat. Takeo's dull, lifeless red eyes stared back at him, his head tilted back, his eyebrows slightly arched, his body dumped over Shigeru, who lay face-down in a puddle of blood.

Tanjirou averted his eyes to find Mother's corpse leaning against the wall, heads down, her arm outstretched, as if directing someone towards the back door. Someone. The absence of a corpse was glaringly obvious now. Tanjirou's breath hitched. Where was Hanako-chan?

Kamado Hanako ended up following a six-eyed man. He walked with large strides, leaving you stumbling after him.
I wonder if Tanjirou-kun walks as fast when he goes to the village, no wonder he always returns before sunset, you thought.
You skidded to a stop. Tanjirou? Who is that? You were certain you had never heard of such a name in your life.

You hurried after the man, shaking off the thought. The one you knew was Kibutsuji-sama, the Lord of Demons. Demons like you and the six-eyed man.

The man suddenly stopped before the entrance of a village, causing you to nearly bump into him. He turned around.

"This village is full of humans. Do not eat them unless I say so. Do I make myself clear?" the man said monotonously but firmly.
You nodded without a second thought. The mere idea of humans was enough to get you to follow a stranger up some mountain. The streets were empty, the path only dimly illuminated by the faint glow of the moon. The man walked quickly and purposefully, leading you to a few secluded houses.

He knocked on the door to one of the houses.
"What can I do for--"
Blood suddenly spurted from his middle.

Moon Breathing, First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace

You watched with morbid fascination as the demon seemingly produced numerous crescent blades out of thin air. However, the soft rustle of his nagagi kimono told you that he had indeed drawn his sword.
Your mouth watered at the sight of the blood, smelling the sweet, metallic scent that lingered in the air.

"Eat." The six-eyed demon glared at you expectantly. 

The man's guts spilled onto the ground, as if taunting you. However...

What would Tanjirou-kun say if he finds out?

Your head snapped up. A long-haired boy in a black uniform appeared at the entrance of the alley. When had he appeared?
The boy in the uniform stared blankly at them, before revealing his katana. The demon breathed in the frosty air calmly, his hands still at his sides. The boy charged, his blade seemingly shrouded by mist. His blade missed the demon, who now rested on the roof.

"A demon slayer...? I would kill you, but the Lord is calling...Why not kill this disgusting demon who won't eat a human instead? I have no use for her anymore," The demon snorted.
You watched, mouth open, as a shoji door appeared at the demon's feet. He jumped in and it closed, disappearing before both of you could react.
The boy turned towards you, slashing at you neck. You dodged, and he tried again, but you just shimmied out of the way.

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