9. The seal

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Obito cleared his throat nervously, "who is it!" He yelled with a crimson face.
"Your favorite!" Kisame yelled on the other side laughing.
"Oh shit.. sorry I need to handle this.." he whispered while pulling away from her.
Rin, clearly embarrassed, jumped to the bed and in the covers to act like she was sleeping.
Obito quickly picked up on the memo and opened up the door quietly. "Dude would you be quiet? She's trying to sleep."
"Oh sorry man, but that's why I'm here actually.." Obito raised his brow, "Can I come in?" Kisame asked politely.
"O-oh right, yes." Obito opened the door widely for him.
"So.. what are going to do about protecting her.. especially since Zetzu saw her.."
Obito sighed nervously, "I.. don't know.." Obito took a second to gather his thoughts, "I mean, she should be pretty strong, I'm confident with a little bit of training she will fit in fine here."
Kisame looked at rin on the bed, "what are you gonna do if Zetzu tries to take her.. or worse yet has you hurt her.."

obito's body felt heavy thinking about it, "I've already talked to her about my problem, but I still need to talk about Zetzu. Also if i ever turn bad while with her do everything necessary to keep her safe." Obito said with sorrow behind his eyes.

Rin's heart got tender, he could go bad on me.. like sensai..

"Of course.." Kisame looked at him, "just checking in because you seemed really anxious after she bumped into Zetzu.."
obito groaned, "yea, I know. But right now we should be fine. As long as Zetzu believes she's here for a job and nothing more he shouldn't go after her." Obito ruffled his hair, "I'm going to secretly train her and help her mental strength. Probably in my dimension to help not get discovered. She often thinks back to her time in prison, I'm hoping to get rid of that along with her seal. Just so she can talk about whatever, whenever. The last thing I want is for her freedom, happiness, and wellbeing to be taken away from her again. I hope to bring back the girl I once knew, along with myself.. I already feel myself acting like I used too, I pray I can do the same for her.." Obito had a warm smile on his face.
Kisame chuckled, "you really love her, and it shows.."

When rin heard that she blushed, but made sure not to move. She yet again remembered what Kakashi said to her at kannabi bridge and smiled warmly.
Maybe he hasn't moved on.. she thought.

"Good," Obito smiled, "I want her to know that I care.. I want her to know that I'm here no matter what happens or who she becomes. No matter what I will stick by her side and ensure her safety and happiness."

Even though I'm a monster? Rin questioned.

"Man sometimes i wish I could be like you." Kisame laughed.
"You couldn't even if you tried, fuck boy." Obito rolled his eyes.
"Game is game." Kisame shrugged his shoulders. "Well I'm gonna head out, and just remember you will always be a great guy." He smiled while walking out the door.

Obito locked the door while rin slid out of the bed. When Obito turned around he was greeted with a warm big hug. Obito couldn't help but gently squeeze her back.
"You're doing all of this... for me?" She looked at him with tired eyes.
Obito looked at her and brought his hand up to her cheek, "rin, everything I said in that conversation was true." He walked her over to the bed.
"Even though I'm a monster?" She said quietly. "Hey, never say that. Just because something sealed inside of you is considered a 'monster' does not make the person holding it a monster." He sighed, "you couldn't be a monster even if you tried.." he chuckled.

"I've killed a lot of people... willingly..." Rin said shamefully.

"So have I." He paused, "We all have..."
Rin sat there puzzled trying to come up with a good argument, but she couldn't think of anything.
"And, I know you're only saying you're a monster cause that's all you've ever been told. Danzo says stuff to his prisoners till he breaks them and starts making them believe they are nothing else than what he says.." Obito looked at her, "then once he's gotten in your head that seal starts making you feel even worse and ensures you won't speak bad about the man that's made you 'strong' or whatever. Just another reason to get rid of it."
"Good luck.." she cowered away from the thought of the seal concealing her real answer.
"Hey.. it's ok, I promise it won't hurt I'm just going to remove it.." rin slowly looked up and stuck her tongue out.
Obito examined the seal.

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