Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes to the beaming ceiling light. I groaned rubbing my wet eyes slowly getting used to the light.
I rolled over so my head was leaning over the side of the bed. When I looked down I saw a peaceful Obito sleeping.
I examined the man top to bottom. He was so different yet the same.
I looked at him for so long i found myself looking at too much of him.
I had to yanked myself away from the enticing sculpture.
why do I feel like this?
I had visible blush and knots in my stomach.
I slapped myself in the face for thinking of my best friend/teammate that way.
He's just a friend, just because his physical appearance has changed doesn't mean I do.
I was grinning ear to ear proud that I successfully suppressed my emotions.

Who knows what would happen if he found out that I started liking him. He's probably moved on by now and has other crushes. I can't let him know how I feel.

I then felt my stomach quaking for food.
I grumbled feeling the pain of an empty stomach. I decided to get up and head to the kitchen.
Why not check right?
I was one step away from the door when a gust of wind flew past me.

"And what do you think you're doing?"
I screamed tripping backwards, but I was caught by a half asleep Obito.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, but this place is dangerous! and I don't want you going out alone." He made sure I caught my balance before letting go of me.

"I-I was hungry.." I stuttered looking away from him.

"At this time of night?" He yawned, "whatcha hungry for?"

"Um... the potato soup you used to make.." I whispered.


"Y-You know.. the potato soup you used to make when we were kids. The one you always made when I was sick?"

His eyes got full, full of joy, but wasn't willing to express it, "are you sick or something?" He controlled his tone to be low sounding not too enthusiastic.

I can hear you Obito
I could practically feel my eyes about to water by the magnificent discovery of my young best friend.

In an attempt to pull myself together I engaged in the conversation, "N-no! I just really want some.." I scratched the back of my head while his energy was clearly replenished from waking up.

"Wait... Really?!" His smile was as bright as the sun. I couldn't help but laugh.

You are my Obito

"Yes Obito! I loved that stuff!" He immediately grabbed my hands and yanked me into the hallway.

He looked back at me while we entered the kitchen, "You're sure you're not sick right?" He started pulling ingredients off the shelves.

I giggled, "yes!" I said confidently taking in his everything.

He was filling a pot with water when I asked, "Hey Obito," I stepped by him.

"Yes?" He shot a smiled at me.

"Can I learn how to make it?" I saw Obito's expression flip to disappointment, "I'm sorry!"  I yelled immediately after seeing the horrifying change in his attitude.

What did I do?

"Hey! No! You're ok... it's just, if I tell you it won't just be my recipe, and you could make it whenever... without me." He pouted his lips.
The childish display made me want to pout with him. Happily I hugged the man baby.

"You are so right! You should be the only one who knows! If I want it I'll always ask you!" I comforted him while letting go of my grasp. Even though I was awake I felt my head start to pound from the lack of food in my system. I wobbly sat down on one of the couches waiting for the man to be done cooking my meal.

I was being nudged awake by Obito with a pot in his hands. "Come on." He smiled pointing to his room with his eyes.
Exhausted, I barely got on my own two feet, and dragged myself back to the bedroom.

I sat down, relieved that my muscles could relax. I noticed he laid the pot down on a small desk, "why did you take the entire pot?" I questioned.

"Oh," he opens up the closet to a small fridge and microwave, "it's so no one steals my food." His tone sounded cold and stiff but the brightness in his smile told a different story. He was clearly proud of himself for installing the bonuses within the room.

He then pulled out a bowl and spoon from the cabinet below the microwave. He started filling it with his delicious secret recipe. He then handed it to me warning me, "Be careful, it's hot."
I started to blow on my spoon and took a bite out of his warm, perfect, hot, healing soup.

Obito wasn't much of a cook and that was clear, but if there was one thing Obito could cook it was his potato soup.


The pounding in my head and scratchy throat got the better of me.
'On Obito's birthday of all days! I was supposed to say happy birthday to him and celebrate at his house with him. How could I miss his birthday?'
I should've pushed myself a bit harder for him.
Suddenly my bedroom door burst open with a raven haired boy walking in. "Happy birthday Obito!" My 60 year old smoker voice tried to seem cheerful, but Obito wasn't smiling.
"Here," he put a bowl of soup on my nightstand, "it's the potato soup... y'know the one I made last time you were sick. I've been trying to perfect it.. I hope it helps." He stuttered and kicked his feet cutely while awkwardly smiling.
I was tearing up at the thoughtful gesture of my best friend. 'It was his birthday and he did this for me?'
"You always know how to help me!" I cried as I shoved a spoon full in my mouth.
"Hey! Be careful! That's hot!" But it was too late. My mouth was already set fire, feeling my tastebuds burn off. But did I tell him that? No, I couldn't. Not on his birthday,"it's ok! It's not that hot." I smiled seeing him relax. He pulled up a chair and sat by my bed side. He did this every time I was sick. "Obito, leave. Go enjoy your birthday!" Obito looked down.
"It wouldn't be much of a birthday without you really.. so I'd rather spend the day with you. Even if you are sick."

End Flashback

Now I know, thanks to Kakashi and the kanabi bridge incident, he told me your true feelings for me.
That's why you treated me like that, isn't it?

I saw the man tumble down on the floor. I gasped and crawled over to him making sure he was ok.
My eyes grew soft as I looked down and saw Obito. His eyes closed with a faint snore. He was asleep, in a deep deep sleep.

I slurped my soup smiling warmly thinking of the display of selflessness he had showed me this night.

I finished my soup when it was 2am, but I couldn't fall asleep. So I decided to get up and look at my injuries.

Heyyy everyone!!
I'm gonna put these little notes at the bottom for now on cause I think it's cute and gets the readers more active!
I also hope everyone reading that they likes it!
Also I played around with the formatting of this chapter a little.
Do you guy like the split up paragraphs better? I did it, cause personally it would make it easier for me to read. What do you think?

I hope you enjoy the story and I can't wait to keep giving you guys monthly updates!

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