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over the days in between practice Stan found himself looking forward for practice on the bright side practice rolled around in the blink of an eye, Stan arrived earlier again making sure that Sparky didn't follow him, as he got to the skating rink he noticed Kyle in his normal spot, Stan was early so he got time to talk to Kyle before practice which was the best part to him going to practice.

"oh hey!" Stan said walking up to Kyle sitting on the closest chair next to Kyle.

"Hey" Kyle replied staring at the ground nervously silently playing with his fingers, "so I wanted to ask if you were interested in becoming friends with me because i think we're both pretty cool and um you know I just want to hang out with someone" Kyle said closing his book giving his full attention to stan waiting for his response.

"sure let's become friends I like hanging out with you too" Stan responded smiling warmly as Kyle whispered "really? thanks" it was a slight surprise to Kyle that Stan wanted to be friends while Stan was kinda surprise Kyle asked to be his friend.

as they talked for a bit about themselves the couch blew his whistle before Stan stood up quickly remembering he didn't even change as he was focused on seeing Kyle, he waved Kyle bye as he ran to the changing room changing as fast as he could running to the rink as practice began.

[ur mom]

"sup fag, how's your little Jew boyfriend" cartman laughed greeting Stan at the entrance of the rink, "get lost cartman" Stan scoffed as he tried to walk pass him ignoring Cartman's taunts, "aw did your faggy joo man leave you? "  Cartman asked mockingly, "fuck off fatty" Stan muttered under his breath.

as Stan's patience burned out he looked across the wall of the rink to see Kyle's eyes on him which caused Stan to blush lightly as Kyle gave Stan a small smile which made Stan smile back as he gave him a weak wave as cartman laughed "well since your such a fucking queer you can sit with your little ginger since practice is over" "cartman I hope u fall on the rink and end up getting the hockey stick up your ass" Craig said flipping off cartman walking off.

Stan let out a sigh of relief as he didn't know how much longer he had before he was gonna beat the shit out of cartman, after Stan changed he walked out the rink to see a few people were still in the rink so Kyle was still in the spot he was before,  "hey dude "  Stan said waving as Kyle quickly greeted him as he sat next to Kyle who looked worse then he was before.

"are you ok?" Stan asked concerned about how tired Kyle looked, "its nothing" Kyle mumbled  not meeting Stan's eyes, "you sure" Stan said concerned, "yeah" he replied softly as Stan furrowed his brows "are you hungry? " Stan asked concern laced in his voice , "no its fine Stan just a headache from training" Kyle lied as Stan narrowed his eyes at him but decided to let it slide.

"well do you wanna get something to eat?" Stan offered "I have practice until 9 today" Kyle sighed clearly in discomfort as Stan frowned slightly but decided not to push it, "well I'll wait for you to finish practice and I have my car so I could always drop you home after we get something to eat if anywhere is open" Stan suggested "yeah ok" Kyle agreed gratefully as Stan smiled at him.

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