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Monday evening rolled around in a blink of an eye, Stan still couldn't get the image of Kyle ice skating out of his head, it was like a song that's stuck in your head that you can't get out no matter how hard he tried.


as Stan arrived he was the first player besides the coach, he looked around the rink to see no other than the red head himself calmly sitting on a chair again drawing.

Stan was getting temptations to approach him but he managed to hold himself back as he quickly walked to the locker room, he changed quickly and got ready to leave the locker room although players were just starting to arrive Stan was warming up he didn't want a replay of the previous practice.

"Stan, your on time..for once" Clyde laughed grabbing his hockey stick joining Stan in the rink before the coach joined "Hey guys" Stan smiled at them as he got into position "what's gotten you all hyped up?" Cartman laughed walking over to Stan and Clyde as Kenny and Tolkien followed and Craig rolled around after a while.

"nothing I just don't wanna fail again" Stan chuckled as their practice began, it was a fair game and Stan was on point this time he scored all the points and he carried his side of the team and at some point the coach even came up to him saying how proud he was to see Stan back on his game.

. . .

Kyle sat close to the rink getting a good view of the rink and the practice and once again he couldn't help but point most of his attention to stan even though he had absolutely nothing to do with Kyle.

Kyle saw as Stan made little to no bad moved and how his dedication was showing up in his practice, after all their big game was approaching soon, Kyle couldn't help but feel a slight smile looking at Stan even though he didn't know him and he was practically judging him off his moves on the ice.


after practice as Stan got to the changing room he spoke to Kenny for a bit waiting got everyone to leave to get to witness Kyle on the ice, even though he didn't know him but he saw this and he got a bit of confidence to go up to Kyle.

as 7 : 45 rolled around Stan peeped out the changing rooms to see everyone was indeed gone, as he walked out he could see Kyle was tying up his red hair in a small bun, Stan watched at how nice Kyle looked and his confidence immediately dropped down as he remembered the feeling he had when he first saw the red head.

Stan stood near the entrance of the rink as Kyle skillfully skated on the ice in graceful and smooth movements almost effortlessly as he was focused as Kyle made a swift turn to see Stan staring at him with wide eyes he got scared before slipping on the ice.

Stan quickly got on the ice letting out a hand to Kyle gesturing for Kyle to take his hand as he tried to catch himself "are you alright?" Stan asked trying to control his voice as Kyle grabbed his hands and pulled himself up onto his feet.

"yeah I'm fine now what were you doing standing there?" Kyle asked looked at him confused as Stan looked down rubbing the back of his neck nervously "oh yeah uh I was gonna leave but I saw you skating and uh your really good by the way.." he laughed nervously realising how wrong it sounded, it sounded like he was stalking Kyle.

"uh sorry if it sounds wrong but uh I'm Stan by the way and uh your really good on the ice dude" Stan said  scratching his cheek awkwardly.

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