"No sulfur." Sam said. "Nothing."

"Well, maybe something." Dean suggested, looking toward the security camera. He looked back at Sam. "See? I'm working."


"Anything interesting?" Dean asked as we stood around the tv, watching the footage from right before the murder.

"I don't know yet. Might just be a guy." Sam said as a man walked in the store, stopping to talk to a woman. "Or it might be our guy."

The man set a hand on the woman's shoulder, gesturing across the room.


Dean pressed a kiss to my lips before turning and walking down the street with Bobby. 

Lady followed close behind me as Sam and I went the opposite direction. Suddenly, a chill washed over me. An odd feeling settled in my gut. It felt like there was someone watching me. 

Suddenly, Sam stopped, turning. 

He must've felt it too.

But nothing seemed out of place.


It was barely past midnight when Sam and I reached Bobby's car. Sam beat his hand against the window of the passenger seat where Dean sat, making the older Winchester jump.

I laughed a little as Sam pulled open the door and shoved Dean's seat forward to climb in the back.

"It's not funny." Dean said, sounding rather annoyed. 

"Yeah." Sam replied. "All right, so--so John Doe's name is, uh, Walter Rosen."

Instead of climbing in the backseat next to Sam, I just settled in Dean's lap, my legs between his, feet brushing the floorboards. Dean pulled the door shut. 

"He's from Oak Part, not far from Chicago. He's been missing for a week." I added.

"The night the Devil's Gate opened?" Dean asked.

"Yep." Sam nodded.

"So you think he's possessed?"

"It's a good bet." Sam said. "So, what, he just walks up to someone, touches them and they go stark raving psycho or something?"

"Those demons that got out, they'll be able to do things we haven't seen." Bobby explained. 

"You mean the demons we let out." Sam corrected.

"Oh, Si, I got another one." Dean slipped a hand under my shirt, tracing the stab wound on my stomach.

"Okay, shoot." I said, knowing it was probably worse than the last pick up line he used. 

"Knock, knock." 

"I thought this was a pick up line?" 

"Just play along." Dean said.

"Fine. Who's there?" I asked, shaking my head. 

"Where when."

I cast Dean a look, unsure of what was happening. "Where when who?" I asked slowly.

"My house, tonight, just you and me."

I blinked, smiling a little. "First of all, you are the biggest dork ever, second of all, you don't have a house."

"Fine, your house."

"Guy." Bobby said suddenly, making us look forward.

Walter Rosen was walking across the parking lot toward the bar.

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