Chapter 42

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CW: Torture


You were only out a moment. Marco's strike was weak, but stronger than you'd have banked on from what you'd experienced. Voices rang through the church, reverberating off the walls into a sea of terror that made your head spin.

Two people held your arms back at an angle that would shatter the bones before you could scream. A shadow hung over your vision and you looked up to see Marco glaring down at you like you were easy prey. This was the man you'd expected to find days and weeks ago.

You were smart enough to recognize a real threat when you saw one. What Marco lacked in combat ability, he made up for in authority – a trait of his you'd sorely underestimated.

"Marco," you said, letting yourself sag forward and laugh in relief. "Those women shouldn't be put in danger because they could stand in for me."

Marco scoffed, staring down his nose at you. He'd never been more hideous to you than in that moment. And this time, you couldn't punch the look off his holier than thou face.

"Maybe you shouldn't have misbehaved in the first place," he said, his eyes wild as he watched you like his petulant kid-sister. "Nothing would have happened to those women if you'd come quietly when we asked." His gaze flicked to the people gripping your arms and they twisted them further.

You bit hard on your tongue, refusing to give them a single sound in response to the pain. Marco just raised a brow and you noticed Anaia stilled beside Jed. Her head turned just a bit, listening.

"Just get whatever you're going to do over with so I can check on Jed," you said, widening your eyes in terror. Unassuming and less than a threat – that is what you had to be.

"Just reprimanding you wouldn't send the full message," Marco said with a wild smile. He motioned for somebody on the side of the stage.

A few of the women you'd freed fought wildly against the people gripping them. But TPI took no chances this time, locking them down more than they had before. Some had escaped, but not nearly enough.

"No," you whispered so quietly, it was nothing more than a breath.

"Yes," Marco said.

You'd taken one chance, subverted the plan and tried to save the women. But your work wasn't done until every one of them was free. As long as the women were kept alive, you'd do everything in your power to help them, no matter how long it took.

"How many did you free?" Marco peered over at the group of women screaming, crying, or a combination of both. "Half?"

A knife glinted and Marco struck your cheek. Warmth bubbled on your skin as blood dripped down your face.

The crowd quieted, watching the show unfolding on stage. A very different performance than what they'd expected. But the crowd was torn between those watching Anaia tend to Jed, Marco with you, and the terrified hostages.

Another strike cut up your cheek and the point of the knife reached so close to your eye, your hands strained into fists as you tried to keep your face neutral.

Marco raised his hand again, and you realized at the same moment Anaia did that the strike very well might take your eye.

"Wait!" Anaia yelled so loudly in the near silent room only sullied with the hostages' cries that it hurt your ringing ears. She stood and all eyes focused on her. "I'll take her punishment."


"You saved Jed's life," Anaia said, a tear trailing down her cheek. "We all owe you a debt."

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