Chapter 40

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Four cloaked figures dragged Mai's last opponent from the ring. It required another two to heave him over the barrier. He flopped like a mangled fish. The only sign of life was the rhythm on his chest pulsing with shallow breath.

Mai crossed their arms and raised their chin in challenge, but you'd known them long enough to know they were communicating something to you. Problem was, you had no idea what that thing was.

"I hope you're a tougher fight than him," Mai said, flicking a hand the general direction of their incapacitated opponent.

You'd assumed, incorrectly, that you'd each fight random opponents. Not each other. But at least you could trust Mai not to kill you, even if they made a show of doing exactly that. But that gleam in their eyes. Harrowing and unnerving. And it thrilled you.

"That guy?" you said, turning towards the lump on the ground who still hadn't come to. Spectators legs were all you could see circling you from under your hood. But you could hear the heavy silence as they waited for your response. "You were right. His technique was shit. I'll snap your neck faster than you got a single hit on him."

The room cheered. Jangling bags of coins changed hands, and a part of you wanted to know who they were betting on: the winner of the last round who'd obliterated an opponent five times their size while giving them a memorable show, or you, the single, faceless threat Mai honed in on without hesitation and demanded in the ring.

You stepped over the railing and stood at the edge of the pit – a figure cloaked in blue, with a soiled hem coated in mud and blood. There was no breeze in the basement, not even a draft to alleviate the sweat trickling down your back or the rancid smell of alcohol and body odor. Added with the metallic scent of blood, it felt more like a butcher's shop.

Feitan liked much of what you did, but even he wouldn't have approved of your current position circled by a hundred enemies with a bounty on your head that was a single fallen hood away from being activated. It was a good thing he wasn't present.

You cracked your fingers and let yourself fall victim to the adrenaline wriggling in your veins. The preamble of a wonderful way to release your stress.

You could let go.

Then something wicked rattled your bones, like it begged permission to be let out of its cage. It was the freeing, all consuming rage turned to a weapon from the night the mansion burned.

The raucous crowd slowed and your body ached to harm, to sever a head from a body. But that wasn't what you wanted. If you lost control and let the darkness out, you'd risk killing Mai.

And it wasn't so wonderful anymore.

You stupid fucking book, your voice shook in your head. Turn it off.

The book laughed Feitan's laugh and you nearly stumbled.

Figure it out yourself, little thief, the book again spoke in Fei's voice but it was nothing but wrong. Since you are of the opinion these abilities I've bestowed are your own.

God, the voice was wrong in a way that made you shiver with displeasure. And something about that realization grounded you. After a few jarring breaths, the feeling subsided, sinking back into your chest somewhere you couldn't find it.

I have business with you later, but right now I need you to shut up, you thought and you swore the book gave a condescending nod in your mind.

Tugging down your hood further, you tried to communicate to Mai as they crouched down to look at your face.

Adjusting your hood again, you tried to communicate with them without the support of words. Make sure my hood doesn't fall when you pummel me.

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