Chapter 16

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CW: Domestic terrorism and bombings


"You're certain they're not remotely detonated?" you asked Gareth.

You didn't know when you'd decided to trust them implicitly. You'd put your life in the Spiders' hands; there was no coming back.

Gareth nodded. "I heard them discussing it."

Feitan had said nothing else before he fell asleep that morning, and you hadn't pushed; he'd shared enough information already. Now you all sat together in your room like you had the night before arguing with Shalnark. But this time there were no quarrels. Only a little while until everything blew and there was no time to contest.

"You're sure they didn't know you were there?" Shalnark said.

"Positive," Gareth said, and Shalnark took his word for it.

"If anything goes wrong," Shalnark said, "run first, think second, and get to the extraction point." He flicked his head to you, a seriousness on his face you weren't accustomed to seeing. To be fair, anything that happened now was on you. "If all goes well, we'll meet at the pier and split up for our tasks after the explosives are stopped, or at least delayed."

"So we're just leaving the explosives where they are?" you said. To be honest, you hadn't considered what you'd do with them.

Shalnark smiled. "You can tell the authorities if you want. But they might arrest you for knowing the locations."

"Not if you run fast," Feitan said, very unhelpfully. You snorted at his comment.

"I'll do what I can," you said, promising it to the universe.

You closed your eyes and begged the forgiveness of the people you might not be able to help because you'd let Marco rampage. If you'd found him sooner, this could have been avoided and you wouldn't be risking so many people in the process, including two people you considered friends plus your soulmate.

And you had so many questions for the people in the room, but you'd ask them after you all made it back. There was no reason to wish ill on the situation.

"Everyone ready?" Shalnark said, brightly.

When everyone affirmed they were, the group packed up what little they had and prepared their departure.


You lingered behind the rest of the group in the lobby. They chatted casually like they weren't about to put their lives on the line. One day, you might have that kind of grit, but today, your stomach roiled and your hands shook, even as you balled your fists to keep them in check.

Feitan was back in his cowl and you didn't like it. It meant this was serious. You also couldn't see his face for a full understanding of his emotions which was a barrier you only now realized when he was covered.

Turning to the lady at the front desk you said, "Thanks for hosting us." You paused, debating whether you should even broach the topic, but the Spiders were outside and only Feitan had bothered looking back as the door closed. "We're here to stop TPI from attacking the city." The woman's eyes widened. "They planted explosives around town." Digging through your pockets, you pulled your map free where you'd made note of these locations and handed it to the woman. You had another copy on your phone anyway. "We're going to stop them from going off, but we can't neutralize them; we just don't know how." You were surprised that the woman looked relieved. "We're moving in at three. We only need a few minutes to stop them, but then we need the authorities to diffuse the bombs and we can't really call them – for obvious reasons. Can you tell them this right before three?"

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