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Remember the deal cutiesssss



|Coincidence? Or fate?|

Jungkook woke up with red eyes, he didn't have the heart to read further and he had a meeting with their manager and team of company so he didn't even have time to read anything for now too.

Getting dressed up he walked out like a life less body, sitting silently on the chair near the dinning table he stared at a space. His mind was still stuck at what he read last night, and the letter in the envelope was making him curious to know what exactly and who have written that.

"Kook." Namjoon called softly, Jungkook hummed but still didn't moved his gaze from the certain space.

"What happened? You didn't slept last night?" Namjoon asked, Jungkook blinked and shook his head.

"Just tired nothing else." He replied, his hyung's looked at him and sighed.

"What is the matter kook? You were all good and energetic till last night. Is something bothering you?" Hoseok asked, younger gulped shaking his head.

"You can share things with us bub, we are your family no?" Jin spoke caressing jungkook's hairs that got his eyes glossy.

"See you have tears in your eyes, that means there's is definitely something that is eating you up from inside. Tell us what's bothering you so we all can help you." Jimin spoke softly, Jungkook sniffed.

"It's a very long thing hyungs, can we talk once we are back from the meeting?" Jungkook asked as he sniffed like a baby.

"Whenever you feel like, we are all ears. Just don't have it all inside you, it will do nothing except suffocating you hmm." Yoongi spoke, Jungkook nodded smiling a little at them having their breakfast they all left for the company.

The meeting started with the BTS members, their manager and a few main people of the group.

"Ok so we have been planning for a concert of yours for a while. The destination and date wasn't decided till yesterday but after having a brief discussion among us we have finally confirmed where you will be doing the concert this year." One of their producer spoke, the members nodded their heads.

"We are holding a three day concert of all of you in deagu." The words made Jungkook snap his head to look at their manager.

"Daegu?" He asked with wide eyes.

" Hmm, you have any problems Jungkook?" One of the heads of the company asked, Jungkook shook his head as he stared at a space again.

"Good so we would be having the concert a week later. Everything is already finalised we just wanted to know if you all are ok with this or should we change the destination?" One of them asked.

"We are ok with anywhere, we just want a chance to interact with army's." Hoseok spoke with his sunshine smile. The staffs smiled.

"Great than, oh yes in the list of m your songs don't forget to add the truth untold, we would be launching it on the second day of concert." Another staff member spoke, the members nodded their heads. They all talked more about everything, Jungkook hummed but heard nothing his mind was just wondering something.

Is him reading this book and then them going to daegu is just a coincidence or is it the game of fate. The fate is turning his routes and is bring him closer to his past lover? The question roamed in his mind as they returned back from the company till late in the morning.

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