Chapter 32 - Forever, Truths & To Us

Start from the beginning

I'm snuggled into Noah his arm wrapped around me, my head resting on his shoulder. He turns and kisses the top of my head as I sigh with contentment.

"Are you okay?" Noah whispers as the group chat amongst themselves.

"Yeah, are you?" I reply and I feel him nod.

"More than okay." He tells me and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"SHOTS!" Folio declares as he drums his fingers on the table.

"Only if we play a game." Nick replies with a wicked smile and I groan in response.

"I hate your games Nicholas."

"You only get the shit end of the stick because you don't drink. If you and Noah drank I'd go lighter on y'all." Nick slurs his words already slightly tipsy.

"We'll play your stupid games Nicholas." Noah replies and I look up at him confused. He knows I hate playing truth or dare with Nick. He's fucking ruthless. Noah winks at me and that's when I realise that Noah's going to finally play as ruthlessly as Nick does.

"Yesss! Three trays of shots! Y'all know the rules, you forfeit you do a shot. Margo and Noah have to answer or do the dare. No ifs, no buts, no coconuts. Got it?" Nick states and we all nod in reply as he and Folio head up to the bar to get the drinks.

"Watch out Sadie, Noah's gunning for you." Jolly chuckles as he takes a sip from his glass.

"What? Why? What did I do?" Sadie asks genuinely curious.

"Your close buddy asked some fairly interesting and personal questions when I was getting to know Mar during one of our games so it's only fair I do the same." Noah smirks and Sadie looks at me for help.

"At least you can forfeit by drinking." I smirk at Sadie who laughs.

"Nah, I'll answer them I don't care." She replies and Jolly chuckles.

"You'll regret saying that Sade." Jolly tells Sadie who just shrugs in reply. The boys return to the table, trays of shots in hand.

"Y'all ready?" Nick smirks as he takes a seat next to Sadie.

"You bet your ass we are." Noah laughs. "So who's going first?"

"I'll go first." I answer, purely to just get it out of the way.

"Truth or dare." Noah asks me with a soft smile.

"Truth, we can hardly do dares in a bar." I laugh.

"Oh Mar, you still have so much to learn." Jolly chuckles.

"Noah can't ask the question, he'll go all soft on her. Special treatment and what not. I'll ask." Folio claims as he sips his drink.

"Okay okay. I'm still picking truth." I reply and Folio shrugs.

"Cool, okay... hmm... how old were you when you lost your virginity?" Folio asks. 

"Fifteen. About to turn sixteen." I reply, Sadie and Noah already know this but the others look at me shocked. "What?"

"To who?" Nick asks and I can't help but laugh.

"Thats another question and I ain't answering. Right so, hmm... Jolly truth or dare." 

"Truth Mar." Jolly answers me instantly.

"When was the last time you lied?" I ask Jolly who has to sit on it a for a minute.

"The other week when I said I was Team Jacob. I'm actually team Charlie." Jolly tells us making Sadie and I laugh uncontrollably.

"That is a decision that I respect." Sadie tells Jolly through laughter.

"Right Noah, truth or dare?" Jolly asks already knowing the answer will be truth.

"Truth." Noah replies as predicted.

"Have you ever had a friend's with benefits situation?" I see Noah swallow hard, his jaw clenches.


"Answer it. You can't forfeit."

"Yeah." Noah replies bluntly obviously unimpressed with Jolly's question. Sadie looks at me one eyebrow raised and I shrug.

"Who you picking?" I ask Noah who smiles kindly at me.

"Nicholas, truth or dare?" Noah flashes a smile at him.

"Truth." He replies smirking back.

"Are you inlove right now?" Noah fires the words at him clearly making a dig. Nicks smirk fades instantly. Sadie looks at Nick who can't even look in her direction, keeping his eyes on Noah. Nick reaches for a shot of what looks like tequila and throws it back making Noah laugh.

"Eugh... gross. Right Folio truth or dare?" Nick turns to Folio still not able to look at Sadie.


"Ooooh interesting." Sadie giggles taking a sip of her own drink.

"I dare you to let us read your last text message." Nick dares and Folio groans as he unlocks his phone and reads over his text.

"Oh fuck nah. You're not doing that. Gimme a shot." Folio laughs and Nick hands him a glass filled with a bright blue liquid. "Thanks Nicholas." Folio throws back his shot, scrunching his face after.

Folio decides that it's only fair for Sadie to do the next truth or dare just as Noah turns to me giving me his full attention.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Noah says quietly taking my hand in his.

"Noah it's okay. You don't need to tell me every single thing that you did before you met me. I'm not going to be mad at you for having relationships whatever their nature was with people before you met me." I reassure him with a smile. I see Noah relax a little and he then quickly kisses me.

"Noah, truth or dare?" Nick asks.

"Truth." Noah replies with a heavy sigh.

"Are you gonna ask?" Noah smiles at the question but neither of them hint towards what Nicks talking about.

"Definitely." Noah replies and I see Nick trying to keep a lid on his giddiness.

"Dude! Aw man I'm fucking stoked." Nick says making Noah chuckle. "I think we need to do a shot."

Everyone grabs a shot apart from myself and Noah. Sadie, Folio and Jolly look as confused as myself but partake anyway.

"Cheers to us!" Nick says as we all clink our glasses together.

"To us." We chime back and Nick winks at Noah.

What the fuck are these boys up to.

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