The Falling Out Part 1 (Sunny)

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"Thanks for the papers, sir! This might help us get familiarized with this place!" Exclaimed Hero as he looked through the papers.

"Sure thing kid, we're stuck here together, and you and your friends seem to live in quite the peaceful place." Responded Roland.

"Hero! Are you done yet!" Asked Kel. "I want to enter one of the rooms! It sounds so cool!"

"One second!" He responded back. "Anyways, you sure they won't do us any harm, right?"

"Went into two of them and we only saw a different world, don't think there's going to be anything done to you and your group of friends." Assured Roland.

"Well if you want, I can enter with these kids too." Said a voice that came from afar. It was Argalia. "I'm curious, what would happen if I entered with these kids into a room? What sort of scene would it create?"

Hero frowned, he had a bad feeling about this individual.

Roland sighed. "I can't leave you alone, can I?" He growled.

"My, what's with this aggressiveness, Roland?" He asked.

The Black Silence stood silent. "Right... you're from before you came to the Library the second time." He reminded himself.

"Oh? Are you telling me you're from the near future?" Asked Argalia. "If that's the case... it seems I will be needing further preparation."

The Blue Reverberation smiled, however, deep inside he felt a bit frustrated, as it seemed that his plan to overtake the Library would fail.

"Uhm, I think I'll be leaving now." Excused Hero. "Thanks for the papers again, sir."

"Call me Roland, sir makes me feel older than I am." He mentioned.

"In that case, please, don't call me a kid, I'm an adult." Chuckled Hero.

The Blue Reverberation stood next to Roland quietly. He slowly started walking towards Hero.

"Seriously?" Sighed Roland.

Seeing as he couldn't leave his brother in law alone, the man in black started following the both of them as well.

In the end, Hero saw as the two Color Fixers were following him.

"This is... not gonna end well." He whispered.

He finally arrived at the place he told the others to meet up.

"About time." Commented Aubrey. "What are those other two doing behind you?"

"Roland decided to come to make sure... Mr. Argalia was it? Anyways, he wanted to come to make sure Mr. Argalia wouldn't do anything as he was following me." He explained.

Aubrey glared at the two unwelcome guests. She then sighed. "Let's just get this done with, I can't believe you've convinced me into doing this, Hero."

"Come on Aubrey, it's a nice way to catch up, don't you think? We can watch versions of ourselves in other worlds, perhaps we could revisit some nice memories, right guys?" He asked the others.

"You got it bro!" Cheerfully responded Kel.

As for Sunny and Basil. They were sweating bullets, could they end up having their secret revealed?

"But with the inclusion of that... weird man, it's definitely not safe. I don't think I can go through with the promise, sorry." Argued Aubrey as she pointed her bat at Argalia.

Roland felt his mouth twitch, he was unsure whether the girl was gutsy or simply had no idea who she pointed her weapon at.

Hero on the other hand looked pale and nervous, as Aubrey might have made a powerful enemy.

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