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(Rex goes to school with them, I know he dropped out of school, but endulge  me.)


I took in a deep breath, and he was about to tell me off again about using my I decided to just get ahead of everything.
"I know what you're gonna say! But it really wasn't a big deal, no one saw me and I was careful! I'm sorry, okay?" I turned around, hurrying up the stairs to my room, hoping that was enough. I sat on the ground, leaning against my bed, I was annoyed, to say the least.
"I can never be normal," I ran my fingers over my eyes, not caring that I hadn't taken my makeup off. "This sucks," I grumbled.
I didn't turn my head when I heard my door open, figuring it was Mark.
"Ever heard of knocking?" I snapped.
"Excuse me?" Dad asked.
"Sorry, I thought you were Mark." I pushed myself up on my feet, looking at him, but avoiding eye contact.
"Blair, when I said we needed to talk, that didn't mean you were in trouble." He sat on my bed, and I followed suit, sitting next to him. "I wanted to tell you that I heard that you took the Mauler twins down." He gave a bit of a smile.
"You heard? How?" Then I remembered Cecil's tracker in my arm as I rubbed my fingers over it. "Cecil?" I asked.
"I mean, I am your father. They tell me things. But I just wanted to say that I was proud of you. You controlled your powers in a tense time, which can be hard." He patted my shoulder, giving it a bit of a squeeze. "Well, I'll leave you back to whatever you were doing." He gave me a hug, which usually I got all my hugs from mom, so I relished in the feeling of my dad holding me close, feeling safe and warm in his fatherly embrace. I liked being loved, I loved being cared for. It was strange, embracing the feeling of my "parents," I guess I shouldn't call them that, I should just call them my parents...
He released me from the hug and patted my head like a little kid.


"You just need to stay calm," Nolan said as we flew in the middle of the sky. He looked at me as we flew together, I wasn't very good at it.
"I don't know if I can do this." I said as I fell a few feet down, closer to the ground.
Nolan rushed and caught me. He held me under the arms and looked at me.
"You need to breathe and relax, or you're gonna fall. The calmer you are, the easier you can fly."
I took on a deep breath as he let go of me, my eyes closed, and I didn't fall. I gasped as I was flying!
It was nice, it was a good memory, and I like to hold onto that one.
Especially when things get hard.


I put my skateboard in my locker, trying to fit it in on top of all of my textbooks, shoving it in like the tetris master I am; my car was in the shop from the party. There was some damage I hadn't noticed, unfortunate, but overall, I guess part of the "job." I guess maybe I should have gotten the insurance plan that covered villain attacks.
As I was searching for my earbuds in my bag, I heard the sound of someone leaning on my locker.
"Blair King," Roy Masterson, a guy who had not been able to leave me alone since middle school, he said I had become his "goth girl-dream girl," it never failed to make me cringe, I wasn't even goth! I'm just moody and wore a lot of black.
"Roy Masterson." I followed suit, saying his full name, finding my earbuds in my bag and fumbling to plug them into my phone.
"That's cute that you get nervous around me." He teased.
"Just tired, don't flatter yourself." I rolled my eyes, sliding my phone into my cargo pants pocket.
"So, there's a dance next week, I was thinking, you me, dance. Then some funny business in the back of my car?"
"As enticing as that sounds, no."
"Come on, who else is going to ask you to a dance."
"Doesn't matter, does it? Cause I said no." I pursed my lips, looking up at him, taking in deep breaths so the ceiling lights wouldn't fall on his head, but at that thought they did flicker.
"Come on, baby." He grabbed my wrists, trying to pull me closer.
"Oh, babe, there you are." A voice said behind me, "is this guy bothering you?" It was Rex, I was kind of shocked to see him.
"Yeah, um, babe." I said quickly, then watched Rex shove Roy against a locker, moving him away from me.
"She said no, and I think that means no." Rex shoved a finger in the guys face. Roy moved quickly away, looking at me and then Rex.
"It was just a joke, I swear everyone takes everything so serious." He said, trying to help his deflated ego.
"You're welcome." Rex smiled heroically. "Guess a heroes work is never done."
"Thank you, Rex." I rolled my eyes, beginning to walk towards the library, I heard footsteps quicken behind me, turning my head to see Rex still behind me.
"So, I couldn't help but hear, Blair King, that your name is not Lucky?" He smiled. "I didn't even know you went to this school until now, like right now. I guess as an almighty senior, I wouldn't look at the lowly juniors." He teased.
I said nothing in response, not wanting to egg him on, I liked Rex, I mean, he made my heart feel weird, and my stomach flipped when I was around him, but I couldn't let him know that.
"I wonder what other secrets she hides." He said in a fake mystified voice.
"Fine, my name is Blair." I somewhat laughed.
"Were you just planning on ignoring me at school?" He questioned.
"You didn't know I went here until today, and honestly, I don't pay enough attention to have noticed you went here." I told him.
"That's probably because I ditch a lot, like, a lot."
"Fun," I pulled my backpack onto my shoulder, starting to walk to my class. I couldn't believe Rex was at my school and now knew who I actually was! I wasn't gonna stay and chat, I didn't want him to know me more. I think I just couldn't commit to commitment.
It was just too much.
I started walking away, and he walked up behind me, trying to keep up with my quick footsteps.
"Hey, you wanna ditch eighth with me?" Rex asked loudly, I may add.
"I don't ditch. My parents are strict." I slid my headphones on, trying to ignore him, I couldn't do this.
"Alright..." Rex rubbed his neck, stopping in the hallway, his hands moving to rest on his hips.
Lunch rolled around, and I went up and sat on the roof of the school.
I was met by footsteps approaching me, and I turned seeing Eve come to sit next to me.
"Hey Blair," Eve said with a smile. She looked like she wanted to say something.
"Hey Eve, is everything okay?" I asked.
"I saw you talking to Rex earlier," she said.
"Oh yeah, he's not your boyfriend or anything, right?" I asked, I don't know why I did, I didn't like Rex.
"Oh no, not anymore, we broke up like two weeks ago... but I saw you talking to him at the party."
"Yeah, sorry, is that okay?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah! No, it's fine. I can't keep you from doing it... but you should know that he's a serial cheater."
"You guys broke up two weeks ago? He started being interested in me, like three weeks ago." I said quietly.
"Yeah, he's like that..." she trailed off.
"Hm," I groaned.
"Yeah, I'd um... Avoid." she said, I nodded my head and stood up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." Eve told me, following behind me, she put her hand on my shoulder, lightly squeezing it.
"You should come with us to hang out after school, Mark is coming, so you'd probably feel my comfortable with it..." she said, trying to make me feel comfortable about it.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it."
"You should, you know, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but I see you alone a lot, you could use some friends, especially ones that can relate, you know, powers wise." She said with her hands behind her back.
"Yeah, okay, sounds good." I laughed nervously.
I guess it could be fun.
I mean, it could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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