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"Leaving so soon, Sooyoung-ssi?"

Sooyoung flinch at the familiar voice and turn around only to meet with smiling Y/n.

"You! How come you-" Y/n grin.

"Well somehow your trick doesn't work on me. And slow down your voice, will you? You don't want to wake them up, right?" Y/n point at the sleeping Dokja, Sangah and Yoosung.

Sooyoung sigh.

"I should've expected this. You never cease to suprise me." Y/n chuckle and nudge towards the 'dying' Sooyoung.

"What a dramatic way to say goodbye, Sooyoung-ssi. I wonder how they will react to this." Sooyoung roll her eyes.

"I have a feeling you will tell them about this." Y/n softly chuckle and raise both of his hands.

"Nu uh. I don't want to get involved with this. If that's your way to say goodbye, then I won't interfere."

Sooyoung narrow her eyes, looking at Y/n in doubt.

Seeing Sooyoung's doubt, Y/n sigh and rummage through his coat's pocket. He then hold out about 10 candies to Sooyoung.

"Here. It's lemon flavoured. It has healing effects so feel free to use it." Sooyoung raise her eyebrow.

"What was this for?" Y/n grin.

"For having a fun time with us. It's good to have you with us, Sooyoung-ssi." Sooyoung look away.

"I won't be convinced by that pretty face of yours but thank you for the offer."


Without saying anything, Sooyoung grab the candies and put it in her pocket.

"So... You're going to see me off?" Y/n smile and nod.

"Even though you're leaving now, I get a feeling we will meet again in the future." Sooyoung smirk.

"You better stay alive then." Y/n chuckle.

"I should've say the same for you, Sooyoung-ssi."


"Y/n is the one who cooked our dinner last night, right? Where is he?" The three of them look around but there's no sign of Y/n near them.

"Did Sooyoung-ssi... Take him with her?" The three look at each other and try to look for Y/n again.

"Ah, you guys already awake."

They look behind them and saw Y/n near the entrance with bottles of water in his hold.

Dokja immediately rush towards Y/n and cupped his face, checking for any injuries.

"Y/n, where did you go? Don't just disappear without telling us like that!" Y/n blink.

"Oh, I was just roaming around the area and the people who we gave food yesterday gave me some water. What's up with that expressions?"

"Sooyoung left."

"Ouh. You're not gonna look for her?"

"... She knows how to take care of herself."


"Ahjussi, that boy keep glaring at me."

"Dokja-hyung, who is she?"

Dokja sweatdrop at the two kids' antics while Y/n cover his mouth and chuckle at the sight in front of him.

"Now, would you look at that? They're so cute, fighting for hyung's attention." Y/n flinch when Gilyoung and Yoosung suddenly look at him.

"Y/n-ahjussi/ Y/n-hyung, ahjussi/ Dokja-hyung likes me better, right?"
Y/n sweatdrop.


'How come I'm involved with this?'


"Hey you, get away from Dokja-hyung while I'm being nice."

"Make me." Gilyoung glare at Yoosung.

"You lousy mutt..."

"Don't talk to me, bug boy." Dokja sweatdrop as he watch the two kids glare at each other.

"Dokja-hyung is not into little kids like you."

"I know who ahjussi likes."

"You know who he likes? Who?"

"Not gonna tell you."


Dokja stare at the ceiling after woke up and finds out the two kids are sleeping while clinging to him.

"Hyung, good morning."

Dokja look to his side and saw Y/n smiling at him.

Good thing the first thing he saw after waking up is Y/n's pretty face. He don't want to remember his so called dream last night about the two kids' conversation.

"Good morning..." Y/n chukle as he look at the two kids that clinging to Dokja.

"Hyung, you really looks like you're their dad already. Just adopt them. I wonder who's your spouse will be." Said Y/n teasingly.

Dokja then groggily sit up and kiss
Y/n's forehead.

"I don't mind if you do."


Dokja freeze as he realised his pure instinct action and look at Y/n who stare at him in disbelief. He then gently push aside the two kids, immediately stand up and wear his coat then 'calmly' walk out of the building.

Sangah, who is already outside looks at Dokja in confusion as she watch Dokja walk away with his red face.

Meanwhile, Y/n stare at Dokja with his wide eyes as he feels his ears and cheeks starting to get warm. He then touch his forehead where Dokja kissed earlier.

"H-Huh, I didn't expect that. Since when he get this affectionate...?"

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