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"Ah... It's a shame it's only for a minute."

"Well you did managed to go there. I'm impressed."

Y/n currently eating Dokja's favourite food, Murim dumplings with Secretive Plotter beside him.

40 is currently on his right shoulder while 41 is on the other one. In front of him is 2, 5 and 10 piling his plate with foods.

"You guys, I can't eat that much..."

Y/n take two Murim dumplings from his plate and give it to 40 and 41 who eat it without any complaints.

"Plotter, I'm bored. I want to increase my stats and fight the monsters too. Ugh, I want to get the feeling of holding the sword." Y/n whine.

"41 can train you if you want."

41 look at Secretive Plotter in disbelief as the dumpling in his hand slipped but Y/n casually catch it before it falls down to the floor.

"I didn't agree with this." Y/n chuckle and give back 41 his unfinished dumpling. "You can't force him do it if he don't want to, Plotter."

Secretive Plotter silently glare at 41, who flinch at his glare and unconsciously bury his face into Y/n's neck.

Y/n took notice of this and pat 41's head. "It's fine, Plotter. I'm not asking for someone to train me. I can train myself." Secretive Plotter raise his eyebrow.

"I already have the basic knowledge and experience with swords. I just want to sharpen my skill. Who knows I might need it in the future."



"Oh. I must be dozed off. Did you rest well, Dokja?"

"Yeah, I guess. You've been talking in your sleep. Calling yourself 'Private Lee Hyunsung' or something..."

"W-Well... I guess it's because of my traumas from early years in the military. Then I was promoted near the end of My compulsory service."

"I heard that was rare. The military must have suited you." Dokja then smile.

"Still, I'm relieved that you're on our side. I feel reassured to have someone like you at the helm. I feel very much protected."

[Lee Hyunsung is beginning to feel responsible.]

Dokja then walk towards the other three who's behind the wall while Hyunsung happily wipe his shield.

"Did you get a good look just do what I did. He seems rather down these days. Maybe he will feel better if we cheer him on a little."

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight is interested in incarnation Kim Dokja's plan.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight ask if he can join cheering incarnation Lee Hyunsung.]

"That will be a great help."


"What I like about you is how you're unchanging. You're like a large pine tree."

"Haha. Thank you, Heewon. My favourite song in the military is the green pine tree."

[Lee Hyunsung feels content.]

"... I never ask you that."

[Lee Hyunsung became a little sullen.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight looks at incarnation Jung Heewon in disbelief.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says you shouldn't say that.]

Heewon look at the blue screen in panic.

"I-It just slipped out of my mouth! I didn't mean it!"


"I don't think I've ever met someone as driven by justice as you are."

"Oh, not really... To be honest, I'm just..."

[Lee Hyunsung begin to ponder what justice it.]

"But still... Thank you, Sangah."


"Hyunsung-hyung, your muscles are awesome." Hyunsung chuckle.

"Thanks, kiddo."

[Lee Hyunsung's self-esteem increased.]

'That should take care of Hyunsung...'


[Lee Hyunsung is awaiting the chance of his attribute to blossom.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says your attribute will blossom in the future scenarios.]

"Huh?" Hyunsung blink at the screen.

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says he has a future insight.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says your attribute will blossom in a few more sub scenarios.]

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says you will be incarnation Kim Dokja's and your party's shield that can never be replaced.]

Hyunsung's eyes sparkled as he read this. "R-Really?"

[The constellation, The Moon's Knight says he's not lying.]

"I'll be waiting for that moment then."

Unknown✧Omniscient Reader's ViewpointWhere stories live. Discover now