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its sunday and luffy is currently in the shack selling ice creams to customer that came from the parkand since its sunday the lines for the shack are long and most people decided to take their cold snacks someplace else since there is no more seats vacant

once noon came along the shack became less busy and the strawhats are now having a lunch break, Luffy devouring the bento makino prepared for him, nami eating a tangerine jam sandwich, and chopper is also eating bento with tamagoyaki

chopper then spoke up " hey theres a new ShonenJump is released today, anyone heard about it?"

usopp" ohhh yeah i think there's a bookstore downtown that sells it, i'm considering to buy it on my way home" Usopp said while rubbing his chin, Usopp and Chopper's Conversation has piqued Luffy's interest so he spoke

Luffy" woaahh! SERIOUSLY?!?" Luffy exclaimed surprising the gang, well it's not surprise hearing Luffy ecstatic about the series cause it's Luffy 's favorite manga even when Luffy doesn't like reading books he likes a good adventure book and what better adventure book than Shounen jump?

 Luffy " i think i'm gonna go buy it now!"Luffy was about to make a Dash for it but pause once he realize that he doesnt know the way to the bookstore 

Luffy "  Say, which way is the bookstore anyway?" The gang just facepalmed with Luffy's action so Nami spoke up

Nami " you can go with Usopp what's the rush?" Nami asked, Usopp internally agreed knowing that leaving Luffy off on his own might not be a good idea

Luffy " but i can't wait till then , besides our lunch break is still an hour away " Luffy complained so Nami stretched his cheek 

Nami " listen you idiot! Did you forget the Times where we let you off on your own everytime you wanna go to a new place?" Luffy just make a lying face and his eyes looked side ways which Made Nami even more irritated 

Nami " i warn you DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT! or else i would send you six feet underground understood?!" Nami showing her  teeth became sharp Made Luffy feels small but Robin interferes and Puts her hand on Nami 's shoulder

Robin " calm down Nami" Nami looked at Robin her eyes softens and Nami releases Luffy

Nami " but Robin-" 

Robin " how about i went together with Luffy? Atleast there Will be someone to keep an eye on him" Luffy eyes lit up 

Luffy " really Robin?!"

Robin " mmhm that way you can quickly buy that jump Luffy, well if you don't mind ofcourse" 

Luffy " yes! Hear that Nami? So can i go?" Luffy exclaimed like a kid who's asking his mother if he could go to a amusement park, Nami just sighs and replied with a simple "go ahead", much to Luffy's excitement

Luffy " come on Robin! Lead the way" Luffy quickly drag Robin from the shack and towards the bookstore, Robin is just amused by Luffy's attitude that she just giggled

Robin (he's like a puppy) 


they Made it to the bookstore who was led by Robin who knew exactly where the place is cause she's the store's regular customer 

Robin " i think the Shounen jump should be between the magazine Isle and comic book isle, this way Luffy" Luffy just nodded but inside he couldn't wait to read the book, unbeknowns to them a ceritain noirette with snake earrings is watching them not far from the store, and her gaze is what people call 'jealousy'

Hancock ( what are they doing?! I thought Luffy told me that he wasnt dating anyone? Could it be he was lying? NO! I saw him before and he's bad at lying, so who is that woman? Is she gonna steal Luffy from me?!) Hancock while bitting her thumb out of jealousy

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