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10 years ago~~~~

Boa Hancock was still 8 years old, Sonia was 7, Mari was 5, the three of them are born from a very wealthy family and that family has big influence in the fashion business, Hancock's mom is a famous designer, that includes clothes ,shoes, and jewelry all her own designs,  and Hancock's father is an architect he designs house for famous celebrities, and is famous for it's elegant yet unique designs

The girls loves their parents very much, and the sisters are their parents pride and joy,the sisters are blessed with artistic talents Sonia is skilled at interrior designs, meanwhile Mari is talented at carpentry, last but not least Hancock is blessed with beauty and has amazing taste when it comes to art, cause Hancock can see which art is gonna be the next trend it's as if she can predict the future, but both of the parents loves their daughters equally

Mrs.Boa "Hancock you're my eldest daughter, and as the eldest i want you to be a good example for your sisters, you must remember that even if you're a woman you have to be strong, strong willed never easily bow down to your enemies, and don't easily trust men, men can't always be rely on, so you must be independent, but also remember that if you ever want to find the right man to fall in love he must be like your father, i fell in love with your father after he proves himself to have what it takes to stand by me and will he be willing to carry us together, you understand Hancock?" Her mom Asked her eldest daughter

Hancock" yes mother crystal clear, though i assure you you don't have to worry about such things since i wont fall in love, i think it be a waste of time" Hancock replied

Mrs.Boa " we'll just have to wait and see, fufu" Mrs Boa chuckles knowing someday her daughter will have feelings for a man, just hoping that that her daughter Will choose the right person and that man Will take care of her daughter, but neither of them are prepared for what is about to happen

Hancock was in her room studying she's aiming to become a designer like her mom, and her sisters are also studying with her, that's when the phone rang, Hancock picked up, Sonia and Mari for the first time sees their sisters face is now filled with horror, as Hancock received a news from the police that their parents lost their lives.

Hancock is now Sitting at the police station was told that their parents had died from a car accident it was an instant death, Hancock and her sisters were devastated of the loss of their parents Sonia and Mari cried their hearts out but Hancock on the other hand only tried to comfort her sisters by saying in a calm voice

Hancock " we still have each other, let's look out for one another, this is not the end we Will get through this together" Sonia and Mari nods, seconds later footstep can be Heard they look up to see its their grandma who people calls her granny Nyon, she makes tapestry and is very skilled at it

Nyon " i Will be your guardian from now on nyo, Hancock your parents would be so proud if they Saw how brave you are right now i know this must be difficult for you three but no need to worry you wont be facing this on your own" Nyon trying to assure the boa sisters

Hancock "very well old hag, we Will be in your care from now", Nyon just twitched and reply

Nyon " 'old hag' *sigh* could you please just call me granny?(i see she takes her personality from her mother despite having her fathers eyes)"

They all follow Nyon back home and eventhough Hancock and granny always have a quarrel from time to time, granny genuinely loves all three of them, and Hancock deep down cares and is grateful for granny for being one of the parent figure in the sisters lifes, Hancock never forgets what her mom had taught her, and as time went by she realize that searching a man like her father is much more difficult than she imagined it would be seeing as boys would immediately fawn over her without her doing much effort, and would say cringey pick up line everytime they try to go up and talk to her, one of the most disgusting one's are when they only had eyes mostly on her chestal area and she can't hate me even more than she already is that led her to believe that genuine men already extinct.

Hancock have other parental figure they're Rayleigh and shakky Rayleigh's wife, Rayleigh is a teacher and his wife runs is a shopkeeper that sells antics, the boa sisters grew very fond of the couple and after knowing they're their late parents old friends

Shakky " so Hancock i Heard you having hard time with boys" shakky starting a conversation

Hancock" everywhere it's just another disgusting men after the other, i'm sick of them, i want to keep studying at Amazon Lily all girls school, but the calm belt streets are only inviting trouble so it's dangerous for me and my sisters eventhough we can defend ourselves its better to be safe than sorry" Hancock sigh

Shakky " well good luck, who knows you might find a cute boy that's different from others" shakky replied teasingly

Hancock" you know well shakky that's never going to happen to me, i have given up on finding, i'm just gonna focus on my goal to become the best designer, and nothing is gonna slow me down" Hancock is determined

Shakky" not so sure about that, cause when you find the right man then he will help you through all of it, don't lose hope, miracles can happen to those who don't give up" 

Back to the present~~~~~~~

Hancock is riding a car home with her sisters, and her sisters can tell there's something in Hancock's mind but decided to let Hancock tell them about it herself, none of them know that  soon someone is gonna hold the key to Hancock's heart

To be continued (sorry if there are any errors)

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