White Day pt.3

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Hancock is currently driving in the city just to get her mind off of her annoying studies which Elder Nyon always nags her about

Hancock ( that old hag is as naggy as ever, her mouth doesn't know when to get tired) Hancock sighs irritated by the conversation she had with Nyon

Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~

 after school was at noon 2 o'clock and Hancock just arrived home when Nyon came up to her and just started shouting

Nyon " Hancock i just got a word from the school that you Made a student do all your homework! " Nyon was furious with Hancock

Hancock" so what they should consider it as a fee for staring with their filthy eyes" Hancock while recalling how the boy kept staring at her chest the whole math period

Nyon "still! You could've thought of another way to punish them, why didn't you report it to the school discipline committee?" Hearing this just frustrates Hancock even more, knowing how the head of that committee is not gonna do anything about her case, but without saying any further Hancock just walk out of the house drove her car to the city

Flashback Ends~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now Hancock just drove and drove not sure where she'll stop, well definitely anywhere that can distract her from her stress right now, that's when she Saw Luffy with a strangely large bump on his head

Hancock became curious decided to approach him, after parking her car, she quickly catch up to him but making sure she didn't seem like she was stalking him

Hancock " hey, you're Luffy right? Do you still remember me?"  Luffy turns around and Saw Hancock with one hand on her hip

Luffy " oh hey...ummm hammock! What are you doing here?" Luffy still couldn't remember her name which Hancock couldn't help but sigh

Hancock " actually it's Hancock, and nothing i'm just taking a Drive with my car cause something happened back home and i don't wanna go home right now" 

Luffy " oh! You're the same as me! I also can't go home right now cause my gramps kicked me out for the entire evening cause i almost set the house on fire xixixi" Luffy innocently replied that made Hancock shock

Hancock (is this man serious?) 

Hancock " what happened? Is that also why you have bump in your head?" Hancock points to the huge bump

Luffy " huh? Oh yeah I didn't mean to actually burn the house down, i just wanted to eat some roasted marshmallow but i didn't knew that putting the stove inside the microwave would explode, i thought the marshmallow would cook faster and after that chaos happen and that's why i'm here" 

Hancock is speechless cause of the carefree nature of Luffy 

Hancock (it's amazing how anyone can be so calm after that, it's even more amazing how he's still alive i'll give him credit for that) Hancock chuckles a bit, she finds Luffy's attitude towards her to be amusing cause for Hancock's whole life all men viewed her with lustful eyes, even the women are captivated by her beauty which makes it hard for Hancock to find a friend among them, but Luffy is different cause for the first time in her life she finally can have a normal conversation with someone on top of that is the opposite sex

Hancock ( i think i'm glad i decided to go outside) Hancock thought while walking with besides Luffy 

They suddenly stop in front of a family Restaurant, there Luffy's stomache began to grumble for the smell of food inside

Luffy "i'm hungry...."

Hancock " let's go inside then"

Luffy" but i don't have any money with me, i wanna eat some food but i left my wallet back home and gramps would just kick me out again" Luffy became gloomy and his stomache just keeps grumbling so Hancock immediately grab his hand and pulls him inside where she found a seat for both of them

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