White Day pt.1

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It's March the 14th and in this particular day is also known as White Day, it's a day where Men shows gratitude towards the women who gave chocolates to them on Valentines Day, so All the stores are selling limited items and even Restaurant are having a special limited event for White Day 

All the men in the town are busily planning what gift or treats they're gonna give-

Luffy"Sanji!! I'm hungry!" 

Well, Most of them

Luffy" can i have the food in that bag you're carrying?" Luffy as he tries to Snatch the bag but Sanji hold him with his foot

Sanji " no can do, this is for NAMI SWAAN~ And Robin chwaan~ , so just give it up !" While dancing

Luffy just pout and Dash towards the exit, there the rest of the gang is waiting for them, once Luffy is outside Luffy can see others holding hands but what caught his eye the most is the white Snack that the girls get earlier that day that Luffy couldn't help but ask

Luffy " hey Robin, can i ask why i Saw alot of girls get white chocolates today? I know for sure that today isnt Halloween cause i Saw no one is putting up any spooky skeleton or spiderwebs on their houses so what gives?" 

Robin smiled towards Luffy's innocent question, seeing Luffy is oblivious towards the event of that day 

Robin " cause today is white day, Luffy. It's an occasion almost the same as Valentines"

Luffy " White day? You mean like the horror game?"  

"NO!!" the other gang answered in unison except for Robin who just chuckles to his statement but continues on explaining

Robin "well you see on Valentines girls are the one's who usually gives Chocolates to boys, but on white day it's the opposite cause boys are now the one's giving out chocolates, ofcourse it's mostly to reciprocate the girl who gave them chocolates on Valentines,  it's not just chocolates but marshmallow, white candy, vanilla ice cream, Mochi any white coloured Snack actually" 

Luffy " ohhh now that you mention it i did see so many white food today, even my brother Sabo Made a omurice that's completely white i thought he used snow as the main ingredient "

Luffy " ohhh now that you mention it i did see so many white food today, even my brother Sabo Made a omurice that's completely white i thought he used snow as the main ingredient "

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Luffy"but the omurice was delicious" Luffy says while a waterfall of drool escapes from his mouth, which Made Robin laugh

Nami " but lucky for you, you didn't get any chocolates anyway, so i don't see any reason for you to be worked up for todays occasion" while Nami shakes her head

Zoro " i wonder booze is okay?" While scratching his chin, Sanji just sighs 

Sanji " how about you be more thoughtful you marimo! A lady puts her heart and soul to make the chocolates and all you gonna give is a Stinky booze?"

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