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Hancock's house ~~~~~

Hancock is preparing to go to school, but before that she walk towards a Giant vivarium and inside was a huge snake

Hancock " morning Salome, i'm going to school, be a good girl,ok? When i get back i'll feed you buffalo meat for your dinner"  this make Salome show a smile towards her owner, Salome is a very unique snake and a very clever one at that as everytime Hancock would talk with her the salome reacted to the conversation as if she understands Hancock,  and Hancock also loves her very much since it was her parents last gift for her


Luffy was  parkouring to school as usual

Luffy" man, gramps had to wake me up with his fists of love, i was having a really good dream though can he blame me?" Luffy complained that's when-

*Crash* *klunk* 

Luffy" owww, what the-?" A man suddenly attacked him with a hammer

Hody " it should do more than just that" hody suddenly appeared, Luffy" no offence old man but compared to my gramps fists of love your toy felt like an old lady's purse" Luffy remarked, hody felt his blood boil and swing his Giant hammer at Luffy 

Luffy" what's your deal ?" Hody "i'm here to kill you boy, so be grateful i'm also willing to Dig your Grave here" hody laughed

At school~~~~~~

Usopp " hey, have you guys seen Luffy? I didn't see him anywhere not even the cafeteria "

Nami "no, i was also gonna ask you about that" Nami replied, the others also shook their heads

Zoro " he's probably still sleeping"     Nami " we're not talking about you Zoro, and besides Luffy's grandpa would probably choke him if he's late so there's no way he's still asleep "

Not far from there a girl overheard their conversation, a black hair girl with snake earrings none other than Boa Hancock

Hancock "it sounds like hody has Made his move, i guess that's good..."    *Badump* Hancock's heart just skipped a beat

Hancock (what was that just now? Why am i suddenly feeling anxious?! This is what i wanted isnt it?!) Hancock was internally struggling in her mind

Sonia& Mari "SIS?!" Hancock collapsed

Hancock was brought to the nurses office, 

Kureha " your sister is fine but i would suggest she take a break her body is stressed out, it's better to let her rest, tell the teacher that i'm the one that advise her to rest till lunch break" kureha sighed

Sonia & Mari" thank you" Mari(i wonder why sister is like this though? She's not the type to neglect herself like this) Sonia (oh sister..)

Meanwhile Hancock was having a bad dream

~~~~~at lunch break

The strawhats are Sitting at one of the table when the door bursts openand a voice called out

Luffy "FOOD!!" 

THE gangs eyes popped out "LUFFY?!!" they exclaimed in unison

Nami " where were you? You Made US worried sick!!"

Chopper "Luffy, i'm shoo glag " hic* hic Chopper is in tears

Usopp " yeah! What took you so long?" Usopp sighed but glad his friend was fine, Zoro "did you got lost or something?" While yawning

All" your one to talk!"

Luffy " well some guy and his lackeys surround me cornered me in a quiet alley, but doesn't matter they were so weak, i took care of them"

Nami " then what took you so long?"

Luffy" nothing, i just RAN into Rebecca's mom and she had alot of groceries so i kinda helped her carried it since her husband was at work, after that she offered me cookies and i kinda lost track of time" 

Everyone just shook their heads meanwhile Nami hit him in the head, yup the usual


Its evening and Robin was at Nami 's place and somehiw managed to convince Bellemere to let Nami help Luffy with his shack

Robin " with Luffy's shack he can make a tangerine flavoured ice cream, and Luffy knows alot of people in town that can stop by his shack, it be good promotion for your sales" 

Bellemere "DEAL! That kid sure is popular i wont doubt that our tangerine would sell great with his connection" Bellemere exclaimed

Robin( ufufu i guess my work here is done, can't wait to tell Luffy about it) Robin thought as she walks home

To be continued 

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