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Luffy "YEAH! i'd love that place, if you're ok with me, i'll manage it!" Luffy was Beaming with starry eyes , Makino " well that settles it i'll hand the keys to you on Saturday"

Luffy" kay! Thanks makino !" Luffy hugged Makino, makino return the hug, front door opens

A&S "makino!",  Makino " Ace sabo, good to see you two again"

Ace"makino you're back! I was at practice and basketball practice was rough, but i beat up some ass's so it's worth it",  Sabo" i'm heading to my part-time job so see ya makino" Sabo quickly went into his room to get ready for his part time job makino giggles"(they grew up so fast)", Luffy " i'm going to my room, call me when dinners ready" Ace "yeah i guess i'm also gonna lay down a bit"   Makino"sure, oh and garp told me to tell you guys he be on duty all day tomorrow and the sundays he even went off to his office a moments ago" 

Luffy " i guess that means no love punch anytime soon" makino laughs at his remark and just went to the kitchen to prepare dinner meanwhile Luffy went to his room and play some video games

Luffy" hey guys! You guys ready?"

The gang " yeah!", Usopp "didn't expect Nami to join US".  Chopper"the more the merrier!"

Nami" yeah, it's good to be playing again", Chopper"where's Zoro?", Usopp"he said he's busy training his Kendo" Luffy" well i guess it's just US so let's start!!" They play their way till it was dinner


Luffy is on his way to school parkouring, when he arrived at the gate the gang were already there greeting him even sanji who had to Miss first day at school cause he was abroad for the summer to improve his cooking ability just came back today, suddenly the students gathered at the gate, there were girls screaming and boys gawking at something when the strawhat gang  have a look at what's the commotion sanji the first one to react

Sanji " it's the school's GODDESS OF BEAUTY!BOA HANCOCK SAMA!!❤️" Sanji exclaimed while looking lovestruck, Zoro just rolls his eyes and calls him pervy cook and the two began bickering 

Luffy "who's that?" Luffy said plainly, Nami " Boa Hancock she's one of the popular kids, not surprising to be honest she's also an actress, i Heard that she sometimes skip classes to attend talk show and so on, she's hotter than when she's on tv", 

Usopp"the super famous actress that said to be popular even overseas?! She's sounds kinda intimidating" with fear in his voice

Chopper "she's so tall, and she looks the type to have a very balanced diet, her physique looks great, i can tell she always excercise her legs they look steady" Chopper comments as a trained medical pro, Luffy just shrugged he's not interested in those stuff unlike a certain blonde cook who's now gawking at the beautiful senior, meanwhile Zoro just yawned and hopes that he can quickly go to Kendo practice.

The group have PE class for the first period and their PE teacher is Mr Rayleigh, 

Rayleigh "ok let's start with warm UPS, then we gonna continue with some basketball", the PE teacher Rayleigh is a good guy even Luffy can sense that it's his 'instincts' and Luffy being a very hyper person obviously loves P.E, and at math they have akainu and this teacher dislikes Luffy for being too "active", for history they have Mrs. Nico Olivia her daughter is a friend of Luffy and is about to transfer to their school the next day, Olivia has know Luffy when he was still a kid and is very fond of him for his kindness and bright personality and she's the reason why Luffy likes history despite him being not so interested in opening a book

Skipped to lunchtime~~~'

Sanji was busy preparing for his cooking club so at lunch time he went to his club room but when he does have freetime he went to eat lunch with his friends 

Luffy "it's lunchtime guys! Come on let's hurry to the cafeteria before it's packed!

Usopp"Luffy slow down!", Chopper " it's good that he's actually excercising like this but i'm worried he might bump into someone"

Just after Chopper said that Luffy bump into someones chest, he took a step back and try to see who he bumped but before he could apologize that 'someone' spoke first

Hancock " who do you think you are, MAN? How dare you touch me with your dirty presence?!"that person was none other than Boa Hancock the school's goddess who's also being  accompany by her sisters Sonia and Mari

but Luffy with a his normal voice just said "sorry my bad i didn't see you there, guys! Come on!" Luffy just ignored Hancock's remark and is just super excited to head to the cafeteria ignoring the fear that's planted on Nami, Usopp, and Chopper's face

Hancock grab Luffy by his arm and spoke" how dare you ignore me? don't you know who i am?why aren't you affected by my beauty?!" Hancock was shocked by Luffy's attitude cause usually boys would fawn or gawk at her immediately but Luffy only have a casual reply and ignore her Hancock couldn't accept this

Hancock " you're gonna pay for that!", Luffy " it was an accident i said i was sorry, i'm hungry so see ya!" Luffy escapes much to Hancock's surprise and Dash to the cafeteria the gang after recovering from shock also ran with Nami being ready to give Luffy a piece of her mind, meanwhile Hancock was just standing there still in shock for the first time in her life someone A MAN has ignored her, her sisters notice this and was also very surprised by the fact there's a man who's unaffected by their sisters beauty, Hancock is furious and is planning a way to get back at that boy for his rudeness

Luffy is now munching down his food even after being beaten to a pulp by Nami, Luffy still didn't get why Nami did it and forgot about the encounter with Hancock, Zoro is now upstairs practicing Kendo with two bokken's in his hands he was too focused on it till he didn't realize that lunch time is over, and when he got back to class he missed a period and got punched by Nami after that

When it's time to go home the gang left for their activities Chopper is studying under dr.kureha, Nami has part-time job in her orange Orchard where her, her sister nojiko and their mother figure bellemere also sells Mandarin stuff, Zoro has Kendo practice, Usopp is also busy experimenting and inventing new ways to improve his slingshot so Luffy decided to go visit Franky by the beach shore that only took half an hour by train to get there, Luffy befriended Franky after he saved him from drowning near the docks and Franky also told Luffy about his dreams on building the best ships that can travel around the world, Luffy loves adventures so he and Franky got along really quick

Franky "it's suuuperrr to see you again Luffy! How was your life at school did you find an interesting lady maybe?" Franky Asked while joking, Luffy just chuckled and replied that his school was cool and that he likes how much 'freedom' in his new school, the two just chat about ships and Luffy Asked about Franky and his family how were they, Franky also Asked Luffy to help him carry stuff for his ship Luffy loves to do it cause he considers this is a great chance to excercise his strength 

Luffy "hey Franky"

Franky"what is it luff?"

Luffy "i'm gonna open up a ice cream shack soon so i was wondering that you would also stop by, it's used to be Makino's but since she's busy with her son and Shanks is overseas for his job so he couldn't help her all the time she gave it to me"

Franky"that's suuuuuperrrrrr news Luff, i'll go and visit"

Luffy"awesome! Welp it's getting late i better get home before Makino scolds me"

Franky "catch ya Luffy "

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