Chapter 12 - The Ride home

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Getting rid of the paparazzi was hard. Turning corners and hopping on and off freeways. We finally lost them. "So, does anybody want to tell us what the hell happened back there?" Flynn asked looking at Reggie. "Luke? I think you got this bro." Reggie said kicking Luke's seat. "Well? I heard them call you guys Parker. Like as in the band." Julie said looking at Luke confused. "What the hell is going on? Alex, explain yourself. What the fuck is going on right now? We never lied to each other before, Alex. And we both made that promise never too. So, what's going on?" Lily asked as she moved Alex's face to look her in the eyes. "Well, we are the band Parker," Alex said and Lily's mouth dropped into her lap. Julie just looked at Luke like she wanted to kill him. And Flynn slapped Reggie over the head. "What the fuck are you talking about Alex? please tell me your kidding, right. This is a fucking joke?" Julie said in the front seat of Alex's truck. Looking at Luke who was still driving because they were a whole two towns over from where they lived. And the guys had a lot of explaining to do. As Reggie gets a facetime call but doesn't answer it.

"Who was that?" Flynn asked Reggie with a curious face. But Reggie just shrugged his shoulders. "Seriously, who the fuck is that?" Flynn said now suspiciously. "Lately you been getting facetime calls but haven't been answering them. Flynn said being irritated now. "Tell me who has been calling you? I let it go before but I'm on need-to-know status right now. So, tell me the truth or whatever this is, is over." Fylnn said upset. While Reggie was in a tough place, thinking about what he was going to tell Fylnn. "So, your quiet now, you don't have nothing to say, huh. Even when your relationship is on the line. Forget it, Reggie." Flynn was about to say she was done when Reggie grabbed his phone and dialed the number back. put it on speaker as the phone rang and a girl picked up and said, "Hey babe, what's up. You didn't answer when I called you." Flynn's heart dropped out her chest when she heard what the girl said to the person that she was falling in love with. "I don't want you to call me anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore. I have someone I really like strongly, and I don't want to mess up my relationship with her. Honestly, I love her, and I don't tell them words to any girl. But she is different. Honestly, I hope she forgives me." Reggie said hanging up the phone as Brittany was about to say something. Turning his phone off. Fylnn was hurt but she loved him too. So, she turned and faced the window and cried silently. The car was silent until Julie broke it.

"So, where you ever going to tell me about who you really are?" Julie said to Luke, who was still in shock that Reggie said he loved Flynn or even told the truth about his relationship with Brittany. "Or were you just going to leave me in the dark this whole time?" Julie asked Luke, who just snapped back into the now. "I can't believe this. What did I do to deserve this? Everything you told me was a lie, right?" Julie low-key yelled at Luke. "So, you're just going to sit there in say nothing. Parker or Luke or whoever you are." Luke looked at a very confused and heartbroken Julie. "My name is Luke. Parker is just our band name. And I didn't tell you because I wanted you to like me for me, Julie. Not because I was a popstar." Luke said to Julie. "How much longer until we get home?" Julie asked pissed off at Luke. "Jules, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about who I am. I wanted you to like Luke Parker not the lead singing of the Parker band." Luke said sad and hoping she didn't break up with him. "Wait, don't you go out with that Alexis chick? You're a liar and a cheater. I can't believe I fell for you and that stupid song. And your Wack ass flirting. I'm so fucking stupid. If you never talked to me again it would be too soon." Julie said as she turned to face the window. Luke felt stupid. Did she really think my songs where stupid? I love her it's just hard for me to express it. I'm not like Alex and Reggie. I have mad trust issues. "To at least answer one of those questions, no I don't date Alexis anymore, ok, I broke up with her years ago. When she used me to boost her fame up, then dumbed me and told the press that I wasn't worth dating anymore." Luke explained to Julie. Julie just kept looking out of the window. 

Luke couldn't handle the silence anymore. They had two more hours left and the only people that were talking in the car was Alex and his girlfriend. He tried to touch Julie on her arm just so she could look at him, but it didn't work. "Julie, please talk to me. I don't know if this would change your mind. But I, I," Luke took a deep breath and finished his sentence. "I LOVE YOU, JULIE." Luke slightly yelled. He didn't know if he wanted to tell her, but this seemed like a good time. "Julie? Are you going to say anything. I know your pissed off at me, but I promise you. I love you. talk to me. Let me know if you heard me at least. Can you raise an elbow or arm or something."  The sign that she showed him wasn't the one he wanted. Julie raised her middle finger up and twirled it in a circle. "Stop fucking talking to me, you fuckin liar. Lose my fucking number, whoever you are." Julie said as she kept looking out the window. Getting close to their street, Alex asked if anyone was mad at him, and the girls said no. Pulling into the boy's driveway. Julie and Fylnn jumped out and went straight to Julie's house. While Luke and Reggie called out to them. Reggie turned on his phone to call Flynn's phone with sorry messages. But Brittany was still calling him, so he blocked Brittany and called Fylnn to start his apologies. But Flynn and Julie sent all calls and texts from Luke and Reggie to voicemail and achieved. Alex and Lily feeling bad about the situation headed to Alex's room. Where later that night Alex lost his virginity. While his friends were trying to get back with their girlfriends.

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