Chapter 3 - The New Boys

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When we arrived at the party I realized Alexis was still a two face liar she's always been. It wasn't even a real party it was a publicity stunt because she knew I wouldn't agree to it. All she wants to do is make money off of me, she doesn't care how she steps on me to get it. As soon as I saw the cameras I looked at my guys and dipped. I didn't even want to be in LA anymore. So we drove to Idaho to get away from the fame. We just couldn't take it anymore, I know Aunt Jenna will be upset but she will understand. As we took turns driving the 15 hours and 22 minutes that it takes to get to Caldwell, Idaho, we must have stopped a thousand times just to eat and use the bathroom.

"Luke, are you sure your aunt wouldn't be pissed about us coming early," Alex asked. "Yea, she would be cool bro no worries,"Luke said a little uneasy. "Oh really because you don't look sure bro," Alex said slightly laughing. "Whatever bro," Luke said as they drove down his Aunt's street. "She said it was a big cream color two story house with a brick walkway," Luke said describing the house. "I think it is right here, pull into the driveway Reggie," Luke said excited to see his Aunt after four and a half years.

As we parked the car Luke jogged to the doorstep and ranged the bell. To our surprise no one answered. He tried it three more times and we heard an angry woman coming down the stairs. As she opened the door all we heard is "someone better be dying or died waking me up so damn early. I have to go to work in two hours," she opened the door and her mood shifted a little but not too much.

"What happened I thought you were coming next week," Aunt Jenna said happy but still kind of irritated about her sleep being interrupted. "We were but, it's a long story," Luke said. "Well come in I will show you to your rooms so you can unpack. We went back to the car and grabbed all of our luggage and headed to our assigned rooms.

We were exhausted after unpacking so we took a nap and Aunt Jenna called off for the day. When we woke up, Aunt Jenna already had rules laid out for us to follow. Apparently we can't have parties, girls in the house without her being here, which doesn't bother me because I'm off girls right now, I'm trying to get into sports, relationships will come in time. However, it's going to be hard for Reggie because out of all of us he is not a virgin. Don't let him know I said that. Alex is cool but he mostly stays to himself unless it's something he is really interested in.

Hey boys," Aunt Jenna called us as we were watching SpongeBob on TV. "Yea, what's up," we said in unison. "Since you guys came a little earlier than I expected, I was thinking I can try to get you guys into school this week instead of waiting until next week, What are you do you think about that?" We looked at her then each other and hoped up. "Ok, I take that as a yes, go get dressed and we will go," Aunt Jenna said happy because she couldn't afford to miss another day of work. They ran upstairs to get ready. While they were getting ready I called principal secretary Ms Carrie to confirm that the boys will be starting tomorrow instead of next week.

"Hey boys, are you ready yet? We have to go get your schedules for school tomorrow," Aunt Jenna yelled at us from downstairs. "Yes, were coming right now Aunt Jenna," Luke yelled back. We all ran down almost tripping over each other trying to get the front set of the car. "Slow down guys it's only high school and no normal teenager is ready to have death by stairs to get there," Jenna said laughing uncontrollably. We just looked at her and headed to the car. As we got close to the car Luke and Alex fought like they always did over who gets the front seat or gets in the car first, Aunt Jenna just looked at us and raised an eyebrow.

We finally got in the car and headed to school about twenty minutes later. "Ok boys, we are in and out ok? Get your schedules and back home." She said as she looked at us firmly. We shook our heads and continued the ride listening to us and other music on the radio.

We got to school around lunchtime everyone was in the cafeteria or on the bleachers chillin with there friends. As we walked passed what we assumed to be the music room we heard two girls rehearsing a song that sounded like one of ours. They sounded good but something was missing. I was about to go in but Aunt Jenna stopped me and pointed to the principal's office. "Right here Luke," she called to me. I left the music door and headed to the office with everyone else. Aunt Jenna walked to the receptionist and told her we were here to pick up schedules. The principal came out looking strict and started talking to Aunt Jenna, that's when I told the boys what I heard in the music room. We can't wait to start school tomorrow.

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