Chapter 6 - Starting Practice

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It's been three days and Julie told us to come over to finally write and rehearse the Parker song we decided on. The whole time we were there me and Reggie was dry flirting with Julie and Flynn. But at the same time, I saw Reggie smiling at every text that came through to his phone. Which I was the only one paying attention to. While Alex was sitting on the couch that was in Julie's garage. Looking at us like we were idiots.

"Are we going to rehearse the Parker song or what?" Alex asked irritated with all of them. He grabbed the drumsticks that were in a box and headed to the drum set that they set up in the middle of the garage. While everyone else was having their side flirting conversations on either side of the garage. "Yeah, we really should, we can talk later," Luke said to Julie but meant it for Reggie and Flynn too. As they grabbed their guitar and bass guitar, while Flynn and Julie got their microphones.

As the guys started playing I came in with the lyrics first. 🎤 Don't blink no, I don't want to miss it, one thing, and it's back to the beginning, cause everything is rushing in fast, keep going on never look back, And it's one two three four times, that I'll try for one more night like a fire in my eyes, I'm going out of my mind", as the rest of the group jumps in on the course. 🎤 Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall, whatever happens even if everything's down, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall, Cause I gotta catch that feeling, whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall, I'ma stand tall," then it went to Flynn for the second verse. 🎤 Right now I'm loving every minute, hands down can't be myself forget it, no, Cause everything rushing in fast, keep holding on, never look back, And it's one two three four times, that I'll try one more night, light a fire in my eyes, I'm going out of my mind," then we all sung the course again. Then it was Luke's turn. 🎤 Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing I'ma stand tall I'ma stand tall Like I'm glowing in the dark I keep on going when it's all falling apart, yeah I know with all my heart, ooh ooh, never look back," then Alex sang the course by himself followed by Reggie. Then we all sang it together.

As we stopped playing, I noticed that we all sounded good together. I looked at Alex and Reggie, who were hoping the girls didn't find out who they were. "So that was awesome, am I right, we rocked?" Luke said overly excited that he could play for fun again. His passion for music came rushing back. "Yeah bro, it felt like we were in front of thousands of people," Alex started but Reggie looked at him like don't blow the cover bro. Then he just changed the subject. "Ok, so we rehearse now I'm going back across the street and get some homework done," Alex said. "Huh," me and Flynn said.

"Yeah, we live at Luke's Aunt Jenna's house," keep going like he had diarrhea of the mouth. "I'll leave you two to your flirting I'm out," he said as he headed out of the garage and headed home. "So you live across the street and you didn't not once decided to mention that," Julie asked in a sexy flirty smile. "Why, would you have came over to see me? Luke asked in his sexy flirty smile.

"Ok who is so important man? Who are you texting Reggie?" Reggie just looked at Luke like I'm about to kill you. "Nobody, I should be going home now too," he said as he motioned Flynn to walk with him so that they could leave Luke and Julie alone. "So they were settle, don't you think?" Julie said as she set at the piano pushing keys. "That sounds good, you make good music when you're not trying," Luke said as he put his hands on top of hers guiding her fingers with every note they made together.

Then he started singing lyrics out of nowhere. 🎤Step into my world, Bittersweet love story bout a girl, shook me to the core, voice like an angel I've never heard before 🎤 he sanged as he looked at me and we both leaned in and we kissed. When we broke apart all we did was stare at each other. It seemed like we were there for hours. Then he got up and walked away. Leaving me clueless of what was going on between us.

As I made my way to the house I could see Luke staring out his window. He must felt me looking because he shut his curtains and walked away from his window. So I went into my house feeling like a dumb ass for allowing that kiss to happen I just want to forget it ever happened. As I lead in my bed feeling stupid. I don't even know if he had a girlfriend back where he use to live. What am I doing? I thought as I turned off my phone and went to bed. Tomorrow is a new day.

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