Chapter 11

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The dawn of the next day was brought by the sun shining its gentle rays through the curtains of Y/Ns room. The birds chirped quietly. That tranquil scene outside quite accurately represented the current scene inside Y/Ns bedroom. We see Y/N wrapped up in the loving embrace of his big sister Chiyo. She had her chin resting on the top of his head with her arms coiled around him, coming to rest on his back, pulling him towards her. She had one leg draped over his legs. He was completely enveloped by her.

After a while Y/N began to stir but soon found himself unable to move. He tilted his head to see the sleeping form of Chiyo.

"Onee-chan?" He said groggily, not fully awake.

There was no response so Y/N thought she must still be asleep. Needing no invitation he snuggled back up into her.

After a little while...

*knock* *knock*


*knock* *knock*

"Y/N-kun? Chiyo? You there?" the voice called out.

"Goodness, you're hardly still asleep are you?" the voice said.

A key was turned in the door and it was opened. The door was closed gently behind them and footsteps were heard in the hallway. The door opened slowly as the light from creeped into the room slowly.

"Oh my, what have we here~" Atago giggled.

Y/N began to stir again, struggling to open his eyes.

"Well good morning sleepyhead" Atago laughed to herself.

"I was going to join in myself if you weren't going to get up" Atago said in a joking tone but was fully serious.

Y/N wriggled his way out of Chiyo's arms and stretched his arm while releasing a big yawn.

"Should I wake Chiyo-nee?" he asked. "Wait a minute, how did you even get in?"

"Hehe, I have my ways. But that's besides the point, I think we should let her sleep. She's deserved it don't you think?" Atago asked.

Y/N nodded strongly in agreement as he knows the kindness of Chiyo first hand.

"Now, I'll let you get yourself changed and ready for breakfast, unless you want Onee-chan to help which she would have no problem with~" she said licking her lips.

Y/N blushed intensely and ran to the other room shouting that he was well capable of getting changed by himself.

He sat with Atago as he happily munched on some cereal. The two shared some light conversation and it wasn't long before Chiyo awakened.

"Morning everyone" she yawned.

Y/N waved with a mouthful of cereal while Atago smiled.


"Friedrich wants to talk with everyone but seen as you didn't respond she figured she'd just have the meeting here." Atago announced.

Before Chiyo could react an intricate magic circle appeared on the ground from which Friedrich and Lisa appeared.

"Good, everyone's awake." Friedrich stated.

"Hey cutie" Lisa said as she waved at Y/N.

Everyone sat down around the table except for Y/N.

"No, it's fine I'll just get another chair-"

"There's no need you can just sit on my lap" Atago said excitedly.

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