Chapter 4

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It was Saturday morning. The sun was shining gently through Y/N's curtains. He was free from the shackles of his alarm clock this morning as of course it was not a school day. All was quiet, except for the birds lightly chirping in the trees outside acting like an alarm clock of sorts. Much more pleasant of course, almost like he was being welcomed into the day.

Y/N awoke and stretched out, releasing a big yawn at the same time. He slowly got out of bed, heading to the bathroom and quickly popped in the shower to freshen up. He brushed his teeth and gave his face a quick dash of cold water to fully wake himself up.

He headed back to his room and changed into some comfortable clothes before going into the kitchen thinking about breakfast. He saw a note on the counter with unfamiliar writing:

"Hey Y/N, just thought I'd go out and grab a couple of bits while I picked some stuff up from my own place. I won't be long and then I'll get started on breakfast."

See you soon,

'Guess I'll clean up a little bit before she gets back' Y/N thought. He turned on some music in the background while he put away a couple things.

It wasn't long before, he heard the door opening and Chiyo walked in with a shopping bag and a big suitcase.

"Oh you're awake, great" Chiyo said with a smile. "Good morning Y/N-kun" as she gestured him over for a hug. "You hungry?"

Y/N nodded in her warm embrace. "Alright I'll get started so. Would you like to give me a hand?" Chiyo asked.

"Yeah sure, what are we making?" Y/N asked.

"Hmmm, how do you feel about pancakes?"

"Yeah pancakes sounds good" Y/N said excitedly.

"Well let's get started then" Chiyo said happily.


While they were eating, Chiyo went over her plan to get Y/N in shape and get him stronger. However Y/N had something to say.

"Um, just one thing Chiyo-san" Y/N started.

Chiyo puffed her cheeks and glared at him.

"Ch-Chiyo-nee" Y/N corrected. She smiled again and gestured for him to continue.

"I have to work on weekends, I need money for rent....." he said quietly.

"Ok, that's alright we can work around that. Where are you working at the moment?" Chiyo asked.

"That's the problem" Y/N said. "I don't have a job at the moment" he said embarrassed.

"Hmmm, I think we can sort out something. Big sister will help you out, ok?" she said softly.

Y/N nodded.

"Right, let's clean up and then we'll be out for most of the day."

Chiyo's boot camp was pretty intense. It started with what seemed like endless laps around the park. They took a quick break, and were back at it again. Y/N was wrecked after all the running but Chiyo seemed to have barely broke a sweat. Next was body weight exercises. 'Chiyo-nee said that we should start with strengthening my body and that the magic training will follow suit. I didn't expect her to be so..... brutal when training.' Y/N sighed.

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