Chapter 5

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The aroma of dinner filled the apartment as Chiyo hummed a cheerful tune, moving gracefully around the kitchen. Y/N, seated at the table, watched her with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

"Chiyo-nee, you really know your way around the kitchen," Y/N remarked, breaking the comfortable silence.

She turned to him, flashing a playful smile. "Well, when you're as old as I am, you pick up a thing or two. Besides, I can't let my dear little brother go hungry, can I?"

As they enjoyed the meal, Tiamat materialized beside Y/N, eyeing the food with interest. "Ah, the pleasures of human nourishment. I suppose I'll never fully understand."

Chiyo chuckled, "You might surprise yourself, Tiamat. Who knows, maybe one day you'll crave pancakes like our dear Y/N here."

The trio shared a light-hearted moment, laughter filling the room. After dinner, they gathered in the living room, surrounded by a comfortable ambiance.

"Chiyo-nee, do you think people finding out about me will be a problem?" Y/N asked, a hint of concern in his eyes.

Chiyo placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Y/N. We'll handle it together. If they're reasonable, we might find allies. If not, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Tiamat added, "In the meantime, focus on your training. The stronger you become, the better equipped we'll be to face any challenges."

With a nod, Y/N felt a renewed determination. The night continued with discussions, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie, forging a bond between the unlikely trio.

As they prepared for bed, Chiyo teased, "Sleep well, sweetie. Tomorrow is a new day filled with surprises, I'm sure."

And so, under the watchful eyes of Tiamat and the playful presence of Chiyo, they drifted into a night that held the promise of both challenges and unexpected joys.


In the quiet moments of the night, Tiamat watched over Y/N as he slept, her ethereal presence a comforting presence in the room. As dawn approached, he stirred awake, blinking away the remnants of a dream.

"Good morning, dear Y/N," Tiamat greeted, her voice carrying a soothing melody.

Y/N, still in the hazy transition between dreams and reality, looked around, half-expecting to find himself back in the intimidating realm he had encountered before. However, the familiar sight of his room greeted him.

"Ti?" Y/N mumbled, a mix of confusion and curiosity in his voice.

She appeared before him, this time in her human form, the gentle smile still gracing her features. "No need to worry, my dear. You're back in your own realm now."

As Y/N fully woke up, Tiamat continued, "I wanted to apologize again for the abrupt introduction. It wasn't fair to overwhelm you in such a manner."

Y/N, now sitting up in bed, shook his head. "It's alright. I guess I was just scared. This whole situation is a lot to take in."

Tiamat nodded, "Indeed, it is. But you handled it with more strength than you give yourself credit for. Now, we have important matters to discuss, matters that concern your destiny and the power within you."

Y/N listened attentively, realizing that this encounter with Tiamat had marked the beginning of something beyond his comprehension.

Tiamat's eyes gleamed with determination. "You're not alone in this, Y/N. I'll be here to guide you and help you harness the power that resides within you. Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way."

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