Chapter 1

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September, the dreaded month of the year for all students. The weeks approaching the return are unenjoyable because all that's on your mind is a return to school. This was no different for a young 16 year old boy named Y/N.

He had short, black that he had attempted to part to the side but was seemingly too stubborn to ever stay up. So most of the time he just had a fringe. He was on the smaller side of boys his age which didn't bother him. His mother always told him he was a "handsome boy" no matter how tall he was.

Y/N was fairly quiet, tending to keep to himself and preferred to not over-indulge with others. He never drew much attention to himself which he loved. He was not antisocial but liked his own company.

Y/N awoke to the harsh sound of his alarm ringing in his ear.


He slammed his hand down on the snooze button as he groaned, stuffing his face into his pillow as he hated early mornings. He lay in bed for another few minutes prolonging his inevitable morning routine. Begrudgingly, he got up and yawned.

'Guess I'll sort myself out' he thought to himself.

He quickly stretched and headed to the shower to freshen up. After getting out he gave his hair a quick ruffle with a towel deciding to let it air dry as he walked to school. He headed back to his room and pulled his new uniform out of the wardrobe.

'This has to be the least fashionable thing I've ever seen' Y/N thought in annoyance. He sighed putting it on quickly as he trudged down to the kitchen. He gave a quick look to the clock to see how long he would have for breakfast which due to him sleeping in was not long. He grabbed a slice of bread and stuck it in the toaster as he scurried around the kitchen looking for his bag.

Y/N lives alone in an apartment he pays for with help from his mom. They don't see each other very often as his mother is a rather busy woman. Y/N CAN look after himself he just doesn't do a great job of it often skipping meals so he is rather slim.

Anyways back to the now. Y/N found his bag just as the toast popped up, he quickly buttered it and dashed out the door toast in mouth.

'Ah what a pain, I can't be late on the first day'

Due to being in a rush Y/N wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings and suddenly bumped into a stranger, falling to the floor.

'Ah shit' he thought to himself.

He looked up and saw a pretty woman with long black, hair reaching down to help him up.

"Oh dear, someone seems to be in an awful rush. Are you alright, sweetie? I hope I haven't hurt you too much, have I?"

'Oh er- no ... I'm sorry for bumping into you oneesan. I'm really sorry but I'm going to be late too school, so I have to run. Sorry again" Y/N said dashing off as the woman was left pondering.

'Hmmm, I sense some power within him, a sacred gear perhaps? How interesting fufu~'

Y/N arrived at Kuoh Academy five minutes before class was supposed to start. Kuoh Academy was once an all girls school but recently became mixed, so it had a largely female population. This attracted the wrong sort of course with many of the boys lusting over some of the girls. Y/N was supposed to meet the student council president fifteen minutes before school started to sort out any necessary sort of paperwork or details. Needless to say his tardiness did not go unnoticed. As the student council president gazed at him with an unapproving look.

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