Chapter 7

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The revelation hung in the air as Chiyo's words settled into Y/N's mind. The ordinary cafe had transformed into a nexus of the supernatural, and Y/N found himself at the center of an extraordinary world he had never imagined.

They talked briefly afterwards with Atago giving a little wave letting him know that she was also in the peerage.

"Is this the full peerage?" Y/N asked.

"Well we have a couple of members out on missions at the moment. You'll meet in a little while. I'm sure you'll get along great!" Friedrich said with a bright smile.

She gave Y/N a final hug, much to the annoyance of Chiyo.

Processing the newfound knowledge, Y/N followed Chiyo as they left the cafe, the warm glow of the chandelier casting a comforting light on their way. The walk home was filled with a mix of silence and unspoken understanding, each step marking the beginning of a journey into the unknown.

Upon arriving home, Chiyo prepared a simple yet comforting dinner. The aroma of home-cooked food wafted through the air as they sat at the table, sharing a meal that felt more like a communion of souls than a mere act of nourishment.

As the evening progressed, they found themselves on the couch, engrossed in the soft glow of the television. The room filled with the soothing hum of a familiar show, creating a tranquil atmosphere that allowed the weight of the day's revelations to ease.

Chiyo, with a gentle smile, looked to Y/N. "You're handling this well, Y/N-kun. It's not every day you learn about the supernatural world."

Y/N, still processing the information, nodded with a hint of uncertainty. "It's a lot to take in, Chiyo-nee."

She patted the space beside her on the couch. "Come here, Y/N. Let's relax a bit."

As Y/N settled beside her, Chiyo offered a comforting gesture. "Lay your head in my lap, Y/N.

Y/N moved into a more comfortable position resting his head on her thighs.

"There you go, good boy" Chiyo said.

Y/N, feeling a sense of warmth and security, complied. Chiyo's gentle touch traced through his hair as they continued to watch the TV. The soothing strokes and the rhythmic sound of the show formed a lullaby that gradually eased Y/N into a calm state of acceptance.

The room retained a serene ambiance as Y/N lay peacefully in slumber, his rhythmic breathing creating a gentle melody. Tiamat, the Black Dragon of the Void, observed the tender scene with a soft smile, acknowledging the bond between Chiyo and her host.

Seeing that Y/N had school the next morning, Tiamat offered to assist in the nightly routine. She approached Chiyo and whispered, "May I take care of him for the night, Chiyo? It seems like he could use a peaceful rest."

Chiyo, understanding the sentiment, nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Tiamat. He'll appreciate the care."

Tiamat, in her human form, approached Y/N with a delicate grace. She gathered him in her arms, the warm glow of her presence enveloping him like a protective cocoon. Tiamat carried him to his room with a gentleness that mirrored a mother's touch.

Once in the bedroom, Tiamat dressed Y/N in comfortable sleepwear, careful not to disturb his peaceful rest. She tucked him in with a tenderness that went beyond mere duty. As she observed him sleeping, a sense of maternal affection emanated from her.

Tiamat ran her fingers through his hair, a soothing gesture that seemed to transcend the boundaries between dragon and human. Y/N, in his sleep, instinctively held onto Tiamat's hand, finding solace in the presence of the guardian dragon.

And so, the night unfolded with Tiamat standing guard over Y/N, watching him sleep peacefully. In this quiet moment, the supernatural realm intertwined with the ordinary, and a sense of familial warmth permeated the room, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of Y/N's extraordinary journey.

As Y/N drifted into the realm of dreams, a nightmarish landscape unfolded before him. The once familiar surroundings transformed into a labyrinth of shadows and distorted shapes. Panic gripped him as he frantically called out for Chiyo and Tiamat, their names echoing through the ethereal corridors.

The dream's distorted logic heightened his anxiety. Hallways twisted into impossible angles, and doors led to nowhere. Y/N's footsteps seemed to fall on an endless expanse of shifting ground, creating a disorienting symphony of uncertainty.

"Chiyo-nee! Ti! Where are you?" Y/N's voice reverberated through the dream, but there was no response. The oppressive darkness swallowed his cries, leaving him feeling isolated in an unsettling void.

Tiamat, sensing his unrest from the ethereal realm, observed the nightmare unfold. The connection between host and dragon transcended the boundaries of dreams, and Tiamat felt the echoes of Y/N's distress.

As Y/N stumbled through the dream, his movements became increasingly erratic. Mumbling and incoherent pleas for his companions filled the night air. Tiamat, in her vigil from the shadows, noted the signs of a restless slumber.

Abruptly, Y/N awoke in a panic, his eyes wide with fear as he scanned the room. The boundaries between dream and reality blurred for a moment as he gasped for breath, his heart racing in the aftermath of the nightmare.

Sensing his distress, Chiyo, alerted by the commotion, swiftly entered the room. "Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?" Concern etched across her face, she approached him with a mixture of worry and comfort.

"I... I couldn't find you, Chiyo-nee. It was like I was lost, and everything was falling apart," Y/N stammered, his voice still carrying the residual fear of the dream.

Chiyo, understanding the impact of the nightmare, offered a reassuring touch. "It was just a dream, Y/N. You're safe now. I'm here for you."

Tiamat materialized beside them, a silent presence offering support. Chiyo and Tiamat exchanged glances, silently deciding to stay with Y/N. In an instinctual response to his distress, they enveloped him in a comforting embrace, his head nestled between their bosoms.

The room, once filled with the remnants of a nightmarish world, transformed into a sanctuary of warmth and reassurance. Y/N, caught between Chiyo and Tiamat, felt the soothing rhythm of their breaths, grounding him in the tangible reality that contrasted with the ephemeral terrors of his dream.

The morning sun painted hues of warmth across the room, casting a golden glow through the open curtains. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside, accompanied by the cheerful symphony of birdsong that heralded the arrival of a new day.

As the first rays of sunlight kissed the room, Y/N stirred from his slumber, the residual echoes of the night's nightmare dissipating in the soft morning glow. The familiar embrace of warmth and comfort surrounded him. Blinking away the last remnants of sleep, Y/N found himself nestled between Chiyo and Tiamat.

Chiyo, with an affectionate gaze, cradled him gently against her chest. Her eyes, filled with a blend of care and tenderness, met Y/N's as he awakened. The room seemed to hold a serene pause, a moment suspended in the quietude of the morning.

"Good morning, little brother," Chiyo whispered, her voice a soothing melody that resonated with the tranquil ambiance of the dawn.

Tiamat, ever watchful, maintained a protective presence beside them. The room, bathed in the soft hues of morning light, became a sanctuary where the boundaries between dragon and human blurred into an unspoken understanding.

They lingered in bed for a while, the comfort of the moment a balm for the residual unease from the night before. Chiyo, a playful glint in her eyes, teased Y/N with a light-hearted comment, inviting a soft chuckle from him.

Eventually, Chiyo gently extricated herself from the warmth of the bed, the sheets embracing her form for a fleeting moment before releasing her. As she rose, the morning sunlight illuminated her silhouette, a vision of grace and warmth.

"Time to start the day, Y/N," Chiyo smiled, a promise of adventures awaiting in the hours to come.

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